Month: November 2002

  • Days 26 thru 30 of Give Thanks

    I must once again, say thank you to all of YOU for your wonderful comments and support regarding yesterday’s post.  Peter was a very special man indeed…and I miss him very much.  I’m glad that my story about our friendship touched some of you…sorry that it was so sad…I wish that it’d had a different ending as well.  

    I talked to the ‘mutual friend’ of Peter’s and mine that I’d spoken of yesterday…and that helped quite a bit.  Talking to her always does!  Thank you m’dear!!

    Jason brought me flowers when he got home from work yesterday.  He thought that they would cheer me up a bit.  He is so thoughtful…and wonderful!  Thank you honey…I love you!!

    I wanted to let all of you know that after today, I will not be posting again until next week. I’m going to spend some time with my family and decorate my house for Christmas. 

    I will however, be around…I have some redecorating on my site to do as well…but I will also be reading your sites…I just won’t be posting anything of my own.

    However…I still have 5 days left of my Give Thanks theme to complete.  So…without further adoo…

    Day 26

    I’m thankful for my Mom.  Outside of the fact that she has the title of “Mom”…she also watches my children for me during the daytime while I’m at work.  

    Day 27

    I’m thankful for my big brother Mark.  The 27th is his 31st birthday!  He was actually born on Thanksgiving Day…and boy was he a turkey!!  He weighed almost 14lbs at birth…poor Mom!!

    Day 28

    I’m thankful that this year…I don’t have to cook Thanksgiving dinner!!! YAY for me!!  I get to sit and watch football with Jason all day…woohoo!!!!

    I would also like to say to all you…

    I hope that you all have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving holiday and that you have fun spending time with your families!  Eat a lot of food and be thankful for all that you have in you lives…you never know if you will still have all of it tomorrow.

    Day 29

    I’m thankful Jason and I will be able to decorate our house for Christmas for the first time together!

    Day 30

    Btw…to all of you who are Jewish…I’d like to wish y’all

    I’m thankful that with November ending…that means that Christmas is next holiday on the list!!!  So I say…

    Let it snow….Let it snow….Let it snow!!!!


    (btw…if some of these animations look familiar…it’s because they were shamelessly taken from Pepsiluver‘s site)

  • Day 25 of Give Thanks

    This is a long story…sorry.

    Last year around this time my best friend Peter and I had just finalized our vacation plans for the following Fall.  We were to spend a week up in Michigan.  We were going to explore many of the lighthouses throughout the state…mainly because of Peter’s lighthouse fetish.  He’d once stated that he wanted to visit every lighthouse in North America…well, I thought that while in Michigan we could get him started on that little adventure.

    Peter grew up in Ontario, Canada…in a not so loving home…well, outside of his older sister and younger brother that is.  When he was about 9 or so…they moved in with their grandparents out on their farm.  That’s where they all grew up.  After their grandma died…Peter really felt it was his responsibility to help Granddad out as much as he could.  Yup…Peter…Mr. Responsible. 

    When I met Peter he was attending a local college and was wanting desperately to change his major.  See, Peter longed to be a chef…and that was his passion, but his family didn’t really agree with that idea.  Now, when I say his family…I’m referring to his Mom & her brothers…his uncles…who unfortunately were the ones paying for his schooling.

    However, Peter finally stood up to them all and explained what his dreams were and then informed them that he was going to follow his dream and that was going to attend culinary art school and become a chef! I was SO proud of him!!

    Well, after telling them all of that …Peter felt a bit invincible shall we say.  He and I talked quite a bit about a young lady that he had admired from a far for a very long time…we will call her C.  Now, Peter wanted to ask C out more than anything…but was a bit shy around women (all except for me that is).  I somehow talked him into talking to her after hockey practice one night…and he FINALLY got up enough courage to ask her out….and she said YES!!  I don’t think I’ve ever heard him so psyched up for anything before…well, except for a big hockey game.

    He wanted this date to be perfect…and I wanted him to have that.  So, we spent a great deal of time planning out all of the details of this “dream date”…right down to the dessert he would make for her and the flowers that he’d give her.  Yup…he made her dinner and took her out on a boat for an evening ride and then danced with her under the stars.  (that would woo almost any women eh?)

    Peter was a classic hopeless romantic…among other things.

    He and C wound up dating quite a bit and he cared for her very much.  She was good for him and she made him very happy when they were together. 

    Peter loved to help people…especially if it had anything to do with cooking!  I wanted to do a traditional Italian dinner for Thanksgiving instead of the traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey and such.  So, I turned to Peter for some advice.  We went over tons of different dishes and menus. 

    He planned the entire meal for me!! I was SO thrilled to have had him there to help me plan this…now all I needed was him here to help me prepare it!  Well, that just wasn’t going to happen…unfortunately, because Ontario is a ways from Denver.

    Peter and I talked about everything…our hopes, our dreams…our futures…our friendship…not to mention our deepest darkest secrets and fears.  We were as close as any two friends could possibly be…except that he was in Canada and only thousands of miles away.  Yeah…that part was a bit frustrating for both of us.

    Peter decided that he would go to culinary arts school in Denver…that way he could finish school and be able to see me as well.  One problem though…C was in Canada.  This made his decision a very difficult one.  He decided that he would ask her to come with him out here.  I thought that would be a wonderful thing indeed!

    On the day before Thanksgiving, Peter and I finalized ALL of our plans and arrangements for our vacation.  When we had finished, he informed me that he would be leaving for a few days after Thanksgiving to go on a trip with Granddad to see his Great Uncle who wasn’t doing well healthwise.  I didn’t particularly like this idea…mainly because the trip involved driving to Nova Scotia right after a large snow storm had just passed through that area.

    Peter insisted that he needed to go because he didn’t feel that it was safe for Granddad to make the trip alone.  Granddad was elderly and I agreed that he shouldn’t be driving all that way on his own…but I still had a bad feeling about the trip.  I explained my feelings to Peter…but Peter being a very stubborn and determined man just told me not to worry and that he would use upmost caution…that he wouldn’t even speed (his joke)…and that he would be talking to me Sunday night when they returned.

    Well, since there was no arguing with that man…I agreed and told him that I would talk to him when they got back home.  We said our goodbyes and ended the conversation.

    Thanksgiving passed and my meal went off without …well, almost without a hitch.  I totally messed up the connolis…but hey, I never said that I was going to be a pastry chef…that’s why I had Peter!

    Sunday came and I waited to hear from Peter….but he never contacted me.  I didn’t feel right about it because Peter ALWAYS contacted me when he said he would…but, there had been bad weather up there and I figured that he had gotten delayed.

    The next morning while at work I read a message that was quite disturbing to me.  It said that Peter and Granddad had been in a terrible car accident late Sunday night outside of their town and that neither one of them survived.  I was in complete shock!  I sat there crying…shaking uncontrollably and trying to contact a now mutual friend of ours to find out if what I had read was true.

    She emailed me and confirmed that yes, Peter and Granddad were indeed killed in that car crash. See, Granddad had been under a great deal of stress lately and while driving home he had a massive coronary.  He lost control of the vehicle and it went off an enbankment and slammed into an electrical pole.  Peter was killed instanly. The coroner said that Peter was asleep at the time of the accident and never even knew what had occured.  He also stated that Granddad most likely died from the coronary before the vehicle ever even hit the pole.

    At that moment my whole world stopped.  Peter was so very important to me…he was like the other half of my brain.  How was I to function without him?

    There are still times that I wonder that same question…but then I look at my children and I see Jason…and I think to myself…Peter always wanted me happy more than anything…and I am.

    Then all I could think of was Peter’s siblings…especially his younger brother.  Where would he go now?  Who would take of him? 

    I asked our mutual friend to find out information for me about what was to happen now that Peter and Granddad were gone.  She did…not only that but kept me updated on everything for quite some time.  She and I have since become friends and I am thankful for that as well.  Peter always wanted the two of us to talk…he said that we’d get along very well.  He was right…about many things.

    I’m thankful that God put Peter in my life…even though it was for a short time…I would never give up any of the time that we shared.  Peter was my best friend…and I miss him more than I can even express.

    I still talk to his younger brother…and he passes messages onto his sister for me.  I’m glad that I have contact with them…and with the mutual friend of ours that I spoke of.  That helps quite a bit…but nothing will ever replace the friendship that we shared…or the bond that we had.

    Peter is forever in my heart…and my life is forever changed because of him.


    If Tears Could Build A Stairway

    If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane

    I would walk right up to heaven and bring you back again.


    No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye

    You were gone before I knew it and only God knows why.


    My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow

    What it meant to lose you, no one can ever know.


    But now I know you want me to mourn for you no more

    To remember all the happy times life still has much in store.


    Since you’ll never be forgotten, I pledge to you today

    A hallowed place within my heart is where you’ll always stay.

    ~ Auther Unknown


    Some of you here on Xanga may remember Peter from his blogs…if not, you might want to check out his site.  Peter was only 20 years old when he died. His last post is dated Nov. 19, 2001…it is of a picture…with no words.  The reason for this is because the picture needed no words, for he posted it as a surprise for me.  The picture is of Mackinac Island…which for those of you who have read my posts for a while now know, that is my favorite place to visit.

    Today marks the one year anniversary of his death…he is loved…and he is missed by many.


  • Day 24 of Give Thanks

    Well…as of yesterday, I have exactly 50 subscribers!



    Wow…that’s amazing!! Thank you all very much for reading and sharing you views, opinions and stories with me!!

    Xanga is a place that I can share a part of myself with others…and I really enjoy being able to do that!

    Having interaction with other people and being able to help support or laugh together or cry together is a wonderful and unique human trait.  I lve that!!

    I hope y’all are having a wonderful weekend!!


  • Day 23 of Give Thanks

    I’m thankful that Jason will be home from work soon!!


  • Day 22 of Give Thanks

    Thanks to all for the comments on my Rusty…he is adorable eh?   (I’m biased…hehe)

    Today I’d like to discuss with y’all the title of being “Mom”.

    I’m beyond thankful that I’m a Mom…really I am.  Those four beautiful children that I gave birth to are my life…my very reason for living.

    Let’s not forget however, it’s not an easy job folks!  Mom’s out there in Xangaland KNOW what I’m talking about!! Being “Mom” includes responsibilities and doing tasks that I never even imagined…nor was I warned about before becoming a mom.

    Well…to plead my case on this…let me give you the full job description for this position and benefits…and lack there of.


    Position:                               Mom

    Job description:

    A Mom is a position that requires a great deal of responsibility, patience, endurance, compassion, strength, cleverness, wit, immunity, determination, persistance, creativity, playing taxicab, sleeplessness , being a referee  , a wonderful bedside manner, and a good sense of humor .  A Mom must be able to read stories while changing voices for all the different characters and be able to come up with a bedtime story on a moments notice.  It is not a position to be taken lightly.  Being Mom means that you must put your personal life second and make the children’s lives your first priority. 


    • holding your baby for the first time

    • seeing your baby smile for the first time

    • hearing your little ones first word

    • watching baby take their first step

    • endless supply of I love you’s

    • endless supply of hugs

    • endless supply of kisses

    • watching them sleep

    • hearing them say their bedtime prayers

    • having them tell you that you’re the best mom in the whole world

    Draw backs:

    Mom is required to cook dinners, clean house, console the unconsolable, change diapers, give baths, take care of all sick people in the house…without getting sick herself, and if Mom does become ill…she must still complete all Mom duties!  Mom is also responsible for taking care of all other things that no one else will take care of!

    Mom does not get sick days, vacation time, or currency payment of any sort.  Mom’s only payment is her benefits.


    Hmm…well, I think with all of that stated…

    Yup…I’ll take that job!  To me…the benefits are worth more than any amount of money that I could ever be paid.


    Have a wonderful weekend y’all!!


  • Day 21 of Give Thanks

    Last night when I arrived at home…I was greeted by my beautiful golden retriever…Rusty.

    As I pulled into the driveway and opened the garage door, he came bounding out to meet me at my car with a huge smile on his fury little face!!  I love being welcomed home like that!!

    Now…y’all must understand that I love my dog for MANY reasons…as I’m sure that all pet owners have many reasons for loving their pets…but, Rusty is VERY special mainly because he belonged to my Dad.

    When Dad died in June of 1998…my brother got his car…and well, I got Rusty.  (I got the better deal…TRUST me )  Rusty wasn’t even a year old when I brought him out to Colorado to live with me and had never been around babies before.  He had a crash course in what occurs when a 9 month old gets a hold of doggy ears!! (poor thing)

    Anyway, Rusty adapted to our family quite quickly…but for some reason he never really did care for my ex-husband very much.  In fact, he still doesn’t like him all that well.

    For a while I thought that Rusty just didn’t want anything to do with males.  That was until Jason moved out here in July.  Boy did Rusty shoot THAT theory full of holes!!!

    He immediately took a HUGE liking to Jason and has now claimed Jason as his very own Pet Human!!  Yep…he even ranks over me now!! (no fair I tell ya)

    Rusty is Jason’s very own alarm clock…blanket…pillow…playmate…and fury companion!!  Rusty’s favorite place in the whole world… is lying in between Jason and I on our bed…with his head upon the pillow of course!

    He is pretty much my oldest son…so to speak.  However…he thinks that Jason is HIS!!  We have talks about that daily!

    So…I’m VERY thankful to have my wonderful furry friend in my life!!

    Tell me…do y’all have pets?  Do they claim you as much as you claim them?

    Have a wonderful Thursday!!


    P.S. ~ Thanks for sharing some of your Christmas gift traditions with me…that was very cool!!

  • Day 20 of Give Thanks

    Woohoo!!  Jason is working again y’all!

    Yup…in fact, he’s at work right now while I’m posting this..hehe. (then again…so am I! oops)

    Anyway, he’s working at the DU Bookstore again…the place that he worked for briefly in September.  He’s very happy about this…so I’ll let him give y’all the details…but I HAD to share ya know!

    That’s what I’m thankful for today…btw.  It’s wonderful that he’s found a job.  He’s been looking for awhile now.

    Anyway…thanks to all of you for letting me know that I’m not alone on decorating the house for Christmas on Thanksgiving!  It’s good to know that I’m not the ONLY one who does that.

    Jason and I decided that this year we are going to mainly decorate the family room downstairs for Christmas.  That’s where we all spend most of our time…so, we thought that the kids would enjoy having the tree and stockings, etc. down there where they can look at it all.

    We normally have the tree up in the front room on the main floor.  However, that is now my office and I share it with my mom…and well, she hasn’t quite unpacked all of her office things (files & such) yet…so there are TONS of boxes everywhere! 

    In other words…no room for a 14ft tree!!  Yup…I said 14ft.  I know…that’s HUGE!!  Try putting it up and decorating it!! haha

    Anyway, last year I wasn’t exactly in the holiday spirit after losing my best friend in a car accident only 2 days after Thanksgiving (that story will come later)….so, I bought a 7ft fiber optic tree that’s only one piece.  Well…I fell in love with that tree!  It’s so cool!!

    You take it out of the box…put it in it’s stand…spread out it’s branches…plug it in…and you’re done!!  It changes colors and such….it’s really cool!!  The kids just LOVE it…so, that’s the tree that will be going downstairs this year as well.  The 14ft tree will have to just wait another year.

    Well…that’s the plan.  Most of the gifts for the kids have already been purchased (thanks to my shopaholic mom)…so, Jason and I don’t have much to do in the shopping department.  We have plenty of time to wrap…considering that I don’t ever put the gifts under the tree until Christmas Eve while the kids are sleeping.

    When do you put your gifts under the tree?

    I know some people do it as they complete their wrapping…and some wait until Christmas Eve like myself…and some just bring them out on Christmas morning.  I guess to each his own eh?

    Well…I will be around to your sites later on today…but I WILL get there!! 

    Have a great day y’all!


  • Day 19 of Give Thanks

    Today I’m thankful that I had YOU there to hold me all night last night and tell me all day yesterday that everything will be just fine. 

    Thank YOU my love…I’m so glad that you are here with me.

    Let me explain a little…

    Yesterday I had a court hearing scheduled to finalize a few things in regards to my ex-husband.  Well, we both got out to the courthouse and when we went to check in with the magistrate’s clerk we were told that because of one of the county employees misinforming us…that we would have to reschedule the hearing and complete the requirements.

    You know how you feel when you are finishing something that you really don’t want to be dealing with in the first place?  That kind of feeling of getting it all done and over with…that relief of it all?

    Well, that’s what I was anticipating…but that’s not what ocurred at all.  Instead I was left with these feelings of anger towards the person who misinformed me…and disappointment of not being able to just finish it all.

    Frustrating situation to say the least.  We rescheduled the hearing…but couldn’t get back in until January.  Yet another disappointment…but, not something that I have any control over…unfortunately.

    I was reminded yesterday, several times, that even though I’m disappointed etc…that it just means I will have to wait just a little bit longer to finish what needs to be done…but that it doesn’t mean that I won’t get there…it just means that it will take a little bit longer than I had anticipated it to.

    I’m thankful that there is ONE person who always knows what I need to hear at the moment that I need to hear it the most. 

    On another note…

    Thanks to all of you who shared your Thanksgiving plans with me!!

    The kids are going to spend Thanksgiving and part of Christmas with their Dad and his side of the family (better them than me…haha )…so, Jason and I will be able to spend our first holidays together in a fairly quiet setting.  My Mom will be joining us…so it should be quite pleasant!

    I’m hoping to begin the Christmas decorating while I have a few days off for Thanksgiving and while the children are out of the house…that’s the plan anyway. 

    When do you start decorating for Christmas?


  • Day 18 of Give Thanks

    How many days are left until Thanksgiving?

    10 more days from today…and we get to fill our tummies with tons of good food!! 

    There are a lot of things going on this time of year…Christmas shopping…decorating, cooking, cleaning, mailing cards, planning…etc.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the hussle and bussle of it all isn’t it?

    I’m thankful that this year I’ve been able to keep things in perspective during this season.  It’s not easy…but sometimes, we just don’t get a choice.  Ya know?

    The week of Thanksgiving will be a week of mixed feelings for me.  I lost one of my closest friends last year on the 25th of November …and my brother’s birthday is the 27th.  See what I mean?

    So…I’ll just take things one day at a time during that week and try to concentrate on the good things that are occuring.

    Tell me…what are your plans for Thanksgiving?

    Have a great Monday everyone!!


  • Days 16 & 17 of Give Thanks

    Yup…I’m doing a 2 for 1 deal here…haha.  I’ve got some things to take care of this weekend so I most likely won’t have time to post tomorrow.

    I will do my best to get around to all of your sites…but I apologize ahead of time if I don’t.  Sorry y’all…but I’m sure that y’all know how it is…I am Mom ya know.

    First…before I begin, I’d like to say Thank You so much for the wonderful comments and well wishes on my previous post…y’all are just awesome!  The ring truly is beautiful and the pic that I posted of it just does NOT do it justice at ALL…and Jason is an absolute sweetheart!  Thanks for wishing us well.

    Okay…for Day 16 I would like to say that I’m thankful that my ex-husband and I still get along as well as do.  We decided that when we went our separate ways that we would do our best to retain our friendship…and that’s not always an easy thing to do especially since I’m involved with someone and he’s not.  However, I finally talked him into dating again…believe me, this was not an easy task!!  He’s in that phase where he states that he doesn’t want anything to do with the opposite sex …but I think that’s not completely true.  

    Anyway, for the most part we do get along quite well and we can still talk about things in a cooperative manner…which is so important for the kids.

    In fact, the girls are going over to his house today for the weekend..(Jason and I are thankful for that as well..hehe …we get to pretend that we only have 2 little ones for a day or so…haha).  The girls love spending time with their dad…and I’m glad that they do get the opportunity to do so.  However, I wish that he’d spend more time with the twins than what he does.  I believe it’s because the boys require more attention and you have to watch them constantly.  Not exactly something that he’s ever enjoyed doing.

    He’s supposed to be getting a place of his own soon…free of roomates etc., so hopefully he will spend more time with them after that.   I’m just afraid that he’s going to ruin his relationship with them by only seeing them for 5 to 10 minutes a week…not exactly quality time ya know.  I just don’t want them to feel any resentment towards him…that just wouldn’t be a good thing at all.

    For Day 17…I’m thankful that after attending all of the parent/teacher conference for the kids, I can say that they are all doing extremely well in school!

    My oldest, Dora, is in 5th grade and her favorite class is Science, which also happens to be the most difficult class that she has.  She is only one out of two children in a class of over 30 that is getting an A in that class.  Pretty cool eh?

    My youngest daughter, Corin…is in preschool, but according to her teachers, if she could read…they advance her to first grade.  Of course when Corin heard this, she turned to Jason and said, “Jason…teach me to read.  I figure that I should be able to do it on my own by tomorrow if you teach me today.”  To which both Jason and I laughed….and then explained to her that it’s not quite that simple.

    Jonah and Caleb are both progressing very well in their classes.  Jonah has a habit of talking extremely fast…to the point that it’s difficult to understand him.  So, they have been working on slowing his speech down and his articulation.  He is doing better…but still has a ways to go before he’ll have it to where it should be. 

    When I went to Caleb’s conference I sat down with not only his teachers…but his therapists as well.  He has progressed so much in the past 2 weeks that they were all just totally blown away by it!  In fact, they told me that he has already mastered most of the goals that we had set for him at the beginning of the year!!  I was also told that we will have to be a bit creative in setting new objective for him at his annual evaluation next month.  That was music to my ears!!

    Well…that’s my thanks for this weekend.  I hope that y’all are having a wonderful weekend!!

    I will try to visit all of you within the next couple of days. 
