Month: December 2002

  • Pics soon…I PROMISE!!!

    I know that y’all want to see some pics of Toby…and I finally got some…I just haven’t had a chance to post them…and they are on Jason’s computer…and well, I’m posting from work right now…so, please forgive me.

    I’m feeling a little bit better today…not nearly as bad as Friday or Saturday!  Got a bit of rest yesterday…thanks to my honey watching the kids for me and my oldest helping out!  Thanks you two!!

    I’m still trying to get Jason to post on Christmas and such…but he was a tad bit busy yesterday taking care of me…so I guess it’s my fault that he hasn’t posted as of yet…sorry y’all.  However, I’m going to do my best to give him time tonight to do just that!

    He made me promise not to tell y’all about THE gift…so I won’t…you’ll just have to wait until he tells you.

    This week is very busy for me…outside of New Years and all.  I have an auditor coming into my office on Thursday…and I won’t even be at work that day.  YIKES!  So…I have to have everything in order by tomorrow at quitting time.  So…I will try to post after New Year’s Eve…but please do forgive me if I don’t get a chance to visit all of you much this week.

    I’m due back into court for finalizing stuff with my ex-husband on Thursday morning…not looking forward to it…but most certainly am looking forward to having it done and over with.  You know what I mean?

    Anyway…I hope y’all have a wonderful, SAFE and



  • I’m still here…I think?!

    Okay…so I’m not quite feeling THAT much better than yesterday.  Of course…having four children running and screaming and not listening doesn’t help the whole sinus headache much…well, not at all.

    Jason is at work right now…and I wish he was here with me instead.

    He got home late last night.  In fact, I’d just started to fall asleep when he walked in.  He felt bad that he woke me up…but I told him not to because I was just so glad that he was home.  He laid down and held me until I fell back asleep.

    I awoke this morning to Jonah running into the bedroom yelling something that wasn’t even comprehensible…but Jason got up with him and told me to rest…leaned down and kissed me and then shut the door behind him.  I awoke a couple of hours later…this time to a much better scenario…to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. Jason was making breakfast!  What a guy eh?

    I went upstairs to find him cooking and the children sitting at the kitchen table.  He is very sweet…he said that he was trying to make me some food and surprise me. (awe)  So we had eggs, bacon(turkey bacon that is..) and bisquits.  I usually make a big breakfast on Saturday mornings for the family…but since I’m sick…he decided to do it for me.

    He stayed with me most of the day before leaving for work.  We watched some football (in between him having to check on the kids every five minutes)…but it was nice to spend a little bit of time together.

    Right now…I’m just trying to keep my sanity…considering my head is still killing me and I’m dealing with three out of the four children totally NOT listening to me. My throat is pretty swollen…so eating isn’t fun or real tempting…but, a necessity (not a good dieting tactic btw).  However, raising your voice at children to try and discipline them…doesn’t help the pain or the swelling much.

    Jason is off of work tomorrow…so hopefully I’ll get some rest…if the kids will permit it that is.  It’s tough being the Mom darn it! (that’s a good note for those of you ladies who aren’t yet Moms…)

    Anyway…enough of my whining…I hope that y’all are having a fabulous weekend so far!  I’ll be fine…just as soon as my love gets home and can take care of me.

    Oh…one last thing…I’ll see if I can get Jason to post tomorrow on Christmas and his gift from me.


  • I need NyQuil…

    Sinus headache …upset stomach …achy all over…ugh.

    I really hate being sick.

    ‘Tis not fair…especially when I KNOW that I won’t be able to rest when I get home from work (Jason has to work tonight ).

    Anyone want to volunteer to come take care of me?  Or atleast watch the kids for a little while?

    PLEASE?  Anyone??  Hello????


  • Christmas is over…

    …but, that’s not necessarily a bad thing is it?  A little sad I admit…but, the good thing about Christmas is that it will come again next year!

    I’m sure that you’re all wondering how Jason and my first Christmas together went eh?

    It was wonderful being with the one I love most on Christmas…but then again, it’s wonderful that I get to wake up every morning and see his face next to me.  Christmas was special though.

    I gave Jason an early Christmas gift on Christmas Eve…mainly because it arrived on Christmas Eve and it was something that I didn’t think was going to get here in time at all.

    Yup…it’s a Coke Bears Beer Stein! Cool isn’t it?! It’s a collector’s item…and was put out by Anheuser- Busch in 1999…only like 8000 were issued (or so).  Anyway, he collects coffee mugs and such…so I thought this being of a smaller stein sort…it would be a nice addition to his collection.  He agreed!

    In fact, he said that if this was the only gift that he had gotten from me…he’s be perfectly happy. (awe)  He found out that this was most certainly not all that he was going to get from me…by far.  (no this wasn’t THE gift I’d referred to either…I’ll let him tell about IT )

    I’m not big on buying people tons of gifts on Christmas…for one, I can’t afford it…two, I feel that if you get someone just a few items that they really want or would enjoy…that’s more than enough.  Well, Jason feels the same way…good thing eh? haha

    I’m not going to tell y’all all of the details…I’ll let him do that…I’m sure that you’ll get a much better description from him.  However, I can share my side of things…a litte bit.

    I awoke yesterday morning to find my youngest daughter on the chair staring at the Christmas tree and the gifts laid out in front.  I walked into the room and said “Merry Christmas Corin”.  She looked up at me with a grin and said, “Merry Christmas Mommy…Santa came last night…just like you said he would!!”.  LOL…aren’t kids just awesome!

    I went back to the bedroom and woke Jason up and explained to him that we had little ones that were ready to begin the gift opening process.  I then gathered the rest of the gifts (from Jason and I) and placed them under the tree.  The children came bounding down the stairs with smiles on their faces and giggles coming from everywhere.

    Jason made some coffee while I put together some snacks for us to munch on while exchanging gifts.  Then I went to find Mom and wish her a Merry Christmas and let her know that the events were about to begin.

    Once we all finally got settled down and the paper was flying…things got interesting.  I had to station a child in their own little spaces in the room and bring the gifts to each of them…in order to keep them from launching themselves under the tree..haha.  My Mom opened the gifts from Jason and I.  I bought her a pair of diamond three-stone earrings and Jason gave her a DVD that she REALLY wanted.

    We bought my oldest, Dora, a Patrick Roy bobblehead (the goalie for the Colorado Avalanche…hockey y’all…for those who didn’t know)…and a pair of toe rings, one with a dolphin on it. She LOVES dolphins!  She was VERY happy with her gifts.

    For Corin…we got her a LARGE stuffed dalmation puppy for her to sleep with. (just what she asked for )  Jonah received a stuffed kitten…in hopes that he would leave poor Toby alone!

    And Caleb…well, Caleb recieved a HUGE stuffed Clifford (the big red dog)!!  He immediately put Clifford down on the floor and sat on him! Silly boy…haha.

    For me…Jason is smart as we all are aware…but he was very ingenious when it came to wrapping my gifts.  I’ve always been one of those people who can pick up a package and be able to tell what’s inside (not that I announce it or anything)…but it’s kind of difficult to surprise me..which is just frustrating.  Anyway, he took all of my gifts and individually wrapped them…then placed them in a large box and wrapped it as well.  Clever guy eh?

    I received a new beautiful watch that I’ve been wanting for almost two years now!  He also bought me “The Sound of Music” on DVD (one of my favorite movies)…a stuffed Eyeore keychain (too cute), a new calendar for my office with lighthouses on it…very cool; and a couple new shirts…not just any shirts…Avalanche shirts!!  Wow!!  He was very busy I think.  (note…for those of you who don’t know, I am a hockey fanatic…that just comes from growing up in Michigan I think…haha).

    Can you believe all of the stuff he got me?  Me either…I’m still in shock. 

    My little ones got me a new CD of one of my favorite groups…and Dora made me a MOM (there’s that title again…haha) keychain.  My Mom bought me a beautiful pair of diamond “M” earrings…very pretty.

    So…as y’all can see…Santa didn’t forget me after all!! (I told y’all I was good…haha)

    So…did you get your special gift from Santa this year?

    I hope that y’all had the merriest of Christmas’s…and that your New Year is even better!!


  • Be Merry…Joyful…& Happy!!

    Okay…so I won’t tease Jason about THE gift that I got for him! haha

    I’ll just let him brag about it on Xanga after Christmas!

    Things are slowly getting better with the Mom situation…but it’s going to take some time I think.  Thanks to ALL of you once again for your words, support, hugs, encouragement…and prayers!! I truly do think that y’all are the best!!

    Jason and I will be attending my company Christmas party tonight…so that should be fun!  Then…we are off to go see LOTR: The Two Towers!! FINALLY!!! 

    I know that I’m not going to have much time between now and Christmas to do much reading or posting here…so…let me just say…




    Happy Holidays to ALL of you my Xanga-friends!


  • I ask you this…

    Is it fair to tease your significant other about a gift that you got them for Christmas? 

    I hope that y’all have had a good day!


    P.S.~ Thanks for all of the hugs and support…you are the best!

  • I appreciate of the kind words and advice in regards to my Mom.  Thank you very much for what you all have said.

    I did talk to my Mom a little bit yesterday after posting and will talk to her more regarding this matter as soon as we get the chance to sit down together and do so.

    I spoke with my ex-husband yesterday, briefly, and explained to him what is going on and such.  I asked him to please help out with the situation suggesting to him that he take the kids a little more often.  I told him that this is important especially during the next two weeks while they are off from school for the holidays.  He said that he would and that he’d talk to his Mom about maybe watching them here and there during the day while they are out of school. 

    I hope that will help.  He took Jonah last night…which helped a little bit considering that Jonah can definitely be quite…well, a pain in the butt to be honest.  I love him to death…but he is rebelious and very stubborn and has a temper to boot!  Not a good combo for my Mom right now.

    She was supposed to work last night but she stayed home because she said that she just didn’t feel well.  She’s been doing that a lot lately.  I’m afraid that she will lose her job soon if she’s not careful.

    Anyway, hopefully with my ex-husband’s helping out with the kids more, we will be able to give Mom the break that she needs. And maybe…just maybe I’ll get a little break as well? 

    On a different note…

    The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is released into theaters today!!

    Jason is SO excited about this!!  I wish that there was a way that we could go see it tonight…but I just don’t see that happening.  However, Friday night we’ll see it for sure.

    Happy Hump Day!!


  • Okay…I’m at a loss…and really don’t know what I should do.

    I received a call from Caleb’s case worker today…not regarding Caleb…or Jonah…or even Corin, but my Mom.  It seems that he (and others at the school) have noticed that my Mom is…well, kind of losing it (for the lack of better terms).  She overreacts to every little incident.  I’ve told her time and time again that it’s not worth getting so upset over…it’s not the end of the world.  The kids are just at an age where they test their limitations and sometimes…they go a bit overboard, but they are not out of control or anything like that…even though she acts as if they are.  I’m afraid that she’s going to giver herself a coronary if she doesn’t learn to calm down.

    I work full time…to support the family.  I don’t receive very much money for child support…and I can’t afford daycare.  I understand that the kids can drive a person completely bonkers at times…but the only thing to do in that situation is send them to their rooms and take a moment to collect yourself and just breathe, then deal with the situation once you’ve calmed down a bit.

    We’ve discussed all of this many times…but it hasn’t changed anything.  She even went to the doctor and he put her on some medication to help her cope a little better with things so that she doesn’t get herself so excited over stuff that doesn’t really warrant it.  That helped for a little while…but since Grandpa’s death…she’s gotten worse.  Jason has seen it…and so have I, but now others are pointing it out as well.

    So now what do I do?  If I try to talk to her about this…she’ll totally explode.  I am concerned…not only for her…but, the kids really can’t deal with being in an environment like that. 

    I’m at a loss here…

    Sorry to post such a problem of this nature…but I needed to let it out…and I seriously don’t know what to do at the moment.


  • Lesson 1…Time doesn’t stand still

    Sorry to disappoint all of you…but I don’t have any pics to post.

    See…the digital camera that we have…well, we can’t use it because there is a part missing and the store doesn’t carry it anymore…so we’d have to get it from the manufacturer and that’s just too expensive, considering how much the camera’s worth.  I was going to try to get my film developed…but that just didn’t happen this weekend.

    I will post some more pics of Toby…and get some of the lights on the house and such…as soon as I can…y’all will just have to be patient with me.

    This weekend was very busy…which is part of the reason as to why I’m just now posting.  I was going to scan in the new pic of my oldest daughter, Dora…but my scanner was being weird.  I guess this weekend just wasn’t the time to do pics eh?

    Anyway, Corin went to her Dad’s on Friday night…and then to his Mom’s on Saturday, so it was pretty much Jason, Dora, the twins and myself.  We took the kids to the park on Saturday (and the dog).  We had a BLAST!!  I haven’t felt well enough to do that with them in ages.  I’m glad that I got the chance to do it with them this weekend.

    Rusty (the dog) broke his brand new leash…and had Jason chasing him halfway to the main street…not making Jason a very happy camper.  Rusty was put in the car after that…and we all went back down to the park to play some more.

    Jason and I tossed the football around for a while, which I haven’t done in years.  He says that I didn’t lose my touch though…haha.

    I played with the kids on the swings…and the tire swing which made both Jason and I extremely dizzy!  It was fun though.

    Sunday the kids went to their cousin’s birthday party, so they were gone for about 3 hours.  I used my time to do some of my holiday baking.  Yup…tons of biscotti!

    Now, y’all know I had to try out all the holiday recipes for it right?

    Anyway, today I’m back at work…and just biding time until Friday (the company Christmas party).  I’m hoping that my Mom will be able to watch the kids on Wednesday so that Jason and I will be able to go see The Two Towers on opening night…but, if not…we’ll just have to wait until Friday.  I told him that we can just go to the party long enough to eat dinner…and then we’d go see the movie.

    Well…that’s about it for me for now…I’ll see what I can do about the picture situation later on this week.

    Have a wonderful Monday!!


  • Happy…umm, Friday the 13th!?

    Well…Mom and I went out last night and decorated the house for Christmas…almost completely.  We weren’t able to finish everything…but they are minor details that I’m sure we’ll finish tonight.

    I’ll take a picture of it all once we are done so that y’all can see.  Although…I’m not sure if we’ll actually put up the lights on house…with Jason’s back hurting and my abdomen…and well, I’m not letting Mom get up on a latter…so, we’ll see.  I think it will depend on how I’m feeling.  The house does look quite elegant without the icicle lights…so, I’m not sure.  Mom says don’t bother…but, I’m still thinking on that one.

    Thank you all for your wonderful support, prayers and loving comments!  The encouragement and support that I get from most of you is just beyond me…and I can’t thank y’all enough.  Words are so meaningful…and they truly do make a difference. Y’all make a difference…to me.  So thank YOU. 

    I will take some photos of Toby to post for you.  He is too cute!  He and Caleb were playing last night.  Caleb was lying on the floor and smiling at Toby…and he was just walking up to Caleb’s face and putting his little nose upon Caleb’s nose.  It was priceless. 

    Caleb was giggling and smiling…that just melts my heart.  He is such a special little boy…and I love him so very much.  It brings me great joy just to see him smile…let alone hear his laughter.

    Today is going much better than yesterday (knock on wood…haha). 

    I hope that y’all have a wonderful Friday…and I will try to get some photos posted over the weekend…although…they may or may not be of Toby…per say.
