Month: February 2003

  • ‘Tis Friday…

    The game last night was bittersweet.  We had fun mind you…but, my Avs lost in OT to the Thrashers 4-3.   I can’t believe that…it’s embarrasing.  I keep trying to tell myself that at least they got a point out of it and it wasn’t a total loss…but it was THE THRASHERS for crying out loud!!

    Okay…before I create problems at home with you-know-who…I’ll be quiet.

    It snowed a bit more here last night…and we NEED it!! It was nice to walk in the snow a bit, we haven’t done that in a while.  In fact, it’s snowing a bit right now…and I hope it continues.  You know how much I’ve been missing snow.

    I went back into the doctor today for more electro-therapy and he wants to continue with it…and I agree.  It seems to be lessoning the pain a bit…so hey, I’m for that!

    He told me that he wants me to sit in a hot bath with epsin salts and lavender in it every night for 15 to 20 minutes.  Well…twist my arm why don’t ya doc!!!

    A Small Request….

    Jason lead me to a site just a few moments ago and had me read…if you get a chance, go visit this site.  This man has suffered a very deep loss and I think it would be nice if people could say a word.  I don’t normally do this…but I was very moved by reading there.

    Thank you.

    Okay m’dear readers…I’m off for the day.   I need to get back to work and then I’m going to go home and kiss my kids and hold the man I love.

    I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you soon!!


  • Thanks again to all of you for your wonderful and supporting comments…very thoughtful and comforting.  I’m honored to have such gracious readers.

    To answer a couple of questions that were asked…yes, it can be treated and right now I’m attempting to have electro therapy to help treat it…if that doesn’t work than I’m afraid I’ll more than likely have to have surgery.

    You are right though, at least I now know what I’m dealing with, which is better than not knowing at all.  I’m lucky that I have a supportive family and someone who loves me enough to stand by me and hold my hand through all of this…no matter what comes of it.  Thank you my love.

    I’m sorry that I haven’t visited much lately…been beyond busy at work and home is a little hectic.  Not that THAT part of my life is anything new …haha.  I won’t be able to visit this evening either because Jason and I are going to the Avalanche/Thrashers game tonight.  WOOHOO…HOCKEY!! That’ll get my mind off of things for a little while!

    I will try to get around to everyone tomorrow.

    I hope that you all are having a great week…and thanks again for being here for me…it’s appreciated more than I can express.


  • Quick Grammy Rant…

    Okay…I think that we Xangans all agree that the Grammy’s pretty much sucked this year.  Right??

    AND…that celebrities just have NO fashion sense.  I mean, do they look at themselves in the mirror before they go to award ceremonies??  If they do and think, “damn…I look good” when they look like this…

    something is TERRIBLY wrong with them!!

    Did she not even remember that she was at the Grammy’s????  OMG! AND…she couldn’t even read the teleprompter when presenting a lifetime acheivement award??? What a disappointment.

    I won’t continue on this subject…other than to say that the only performance I think was even up to Grammy standards was the Dixie Chicks.  There…now I’m done.

    Body Parts…

    I’ve been going to the chiropractor over the past couple of weeks because I’d severely sprained my right hand, thumb and wrist (still trying to figure out how and when I managed to do it).  Although, while I was there last week…the doctor and I were talking and I’d mentioned the problems that I’ve endured with my abdomen since giving birth to the twins in March of 1999.

    For those of you who don’t know my history on that…I’ll give you a brief summary.  When I gave birth to the twins, I had to have a c-section performed with one of them.  Since then, I’ve had many complications including staff infection, an abcess, severe nerve damage, swelling and constant pain.  I’ve been to many different doctors, specialists and surgeons in my area…but none would help me.  They even went so far as to tell me that it was “all in my head”.  Can you believe that??

    Anyway, so I was discussing this with the chiropractor and he suggested that he examine me and try a couple of treatments.  Well, after being in pain constantly for 4 years…I’ll try anything!  So, I went in yesterday and he examined me and asked me a few questions…including if I’d ever been tested for endometriosis.  Well, yes…I’d requested to be tested for that about 2 years ago because during my menstrual cylce…my abdomen swells up horribly (to the point where I look 4 months pregnant) and the pain is unbearable at times. 

    After examining me, he told me that I have adhesions all around this lump in my abdomen.  I already knew that…but then he also went on to tell me that I do indeed have endometriosis.  THAT was something I feared.

    On one hand I’m relieved to finally have an answer…and on the other hand, it was one answer that I didn’t want to hear.  So, now this is something that I will deal with…but it’s just so sad that for years I couldn’t get any help from people who are supposedly specialists in this field and I had to be diagnosed by a chiropractor.  He even gave me a hug and told me how sorry he was that no one has done anything about my situation for so long.  He told me that he would do his best to help me.

    It’s nice to know that SOMEONE is going to help me…finally.

    Okay…I had to get that out…I feel better now.

    More Answers To YOUR Questions…

    I notice that you have a button for autistic children on your site. How did you develop your interest in autism?

    Posted 2/24/2003 at 8:03 pm by Nance1

    My youngest twin, Caleb is autistic.  He was diagnosed when he was 2 years old.  Ever since then I’ve been researching autism and ways to help autistic children and those who don’t know much about it.  So many people are not aware of what it is or that so many children have it and that more and more are being diagnosed with it every year.  I think that the saddest part is that once people find out a child is autistic they treat them as if they are handicapped…but my son is capable of doing all of the things that his brother can do and in some ways, he is even ahead of his brother.

    Good question…thanks for asking!

    How can you like snow? LoL. 


    Posted 2/24/2003 at 10:35 pm by dmbfreak02

    LOL…I know, it’s strange.  Living out here though, we don’t get as much snow as some people think we do.  I grew up in Michigan and used to snowmobile a great deal.  Out here, that just isn’t something you can do just anywhere.  I miss that.

    How high was the highest snowbank you ever experienced?

    Posted 2/25/2003 at 12:11 am by ryoushi

    18 feet!!  I was about 10 years old I think…but I remember that there was so much snow that even the big V snowplows couldn’t get through.  We had to go grocery shopping on the snowmobile!  It was cool!!!

    Okay…well, I guess that’s it for me today.  I’m sorry that I didn’t get around to everyone’s sites last night…but it’s report card time and I had to spend some time talking to my oldest daughter about her grades…unfortunately.

    I did visit most of you this morning and will try to to get around to the rest of you this afternoon.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!!


  • I love your new background ~ Jason said his new one came from the same place, too ~ where did you dig them up!?!? 

    Posted 2/21/2003 at 11:39 am by Morgane

    Thanks m’dear…you can find this background and Jason’s at Pea Pod Design 

    Great blog Maria! Um… questions I can ask you… well, what do you like and dislike about living in CO? What are the skills or talents you consider most important to teach your kids as they grow up? How can you possibly like the Crapalanche?!? =) Have a good weekend!

    Posted 2/22/2003 at 1:36 am by Gwenny

    Gwen…you always crack me up!! Okay, Colorado is beatuful in it’s own right…the mountains are gorgeous to see and I’m privelaged to be able to see them everyday. But, the climate is VERY dry…and I miss SNOW.  I know…I’m strange but hey, when you don’t get hardly any…you tend to miss it.  Especially while your skin is cracking and your lips are splitting from lack of humidity.

    As far as my kids are concerned, I try to teach them all that I can.  When it comes to talents…for now, it seems that they love to sing…so THAT I can work with them on.

    LOL…the Crapalanche as you refer to the Avs as…are one of the best teams in hockey and you KNOW it!!  Besides, my favorite player is on the team…what am I supposed to do…boo them?  I don’t think so!!


    Okay…I’m out of time for now…but, if any of you can think of anything else to ask me…let me know.

    I’ll try to visit your sites tonight!! I hope that you all have had a happy Monday!!!


  • Here are the answers to YOUR questions…

    A storm you say… you must live farther away from me than I thought. I’ve had no such news.

    Questions for you:

    1. What is the Av’s all time goals for average?

    2. How did you come up with such charming names for your children?

    3. How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

    Posted 2/20/2003 at 3:43 pm by Tristan

    Yes m’dear Tristan…a storm. Unfortunately it won’t be as big or as long as I’d hoped.   I live in Centennial…just southeast of Denver. Where are you located?

    1.     Well…since the 1995-1996 season when the Quebec, Nordiques became the Colorado Avalanche they’ve played 715 games total (including last night’s game against the Penguins…which they won 5-2)…they’ve scored a team total of 2246 goals and their average as a team for all of the regular seasons played as the Avalanche is 3.14  (didn’t think I’d get that did ya?)

    2.      First of all…thank you for the lovely compliment.  Dora Elyse are names that I found in a name book.  They are old German and Irish…and I just fell in love with them.  Corin Grace is named after her uncle Corey(her dad’s older brother) who was killed in a car accident before she was born and she is also named after my Great Grandma.  Caleb Nathaniel & Jonah Gabriel are biblical names.  People always call Jonah..Joshua when he and Caleb are together because Joshua was Caleb’s best friend in the Bible.

    3.     Okay…the answer to this question really depends on whether someone actually licks their way to the center or if the suck and lick…or if they bite.  So…I need more information to answer that question.

    So…when are you coming to visit??

    Posted 2/20/2003 at 3:44 pm by greeneyes31

    Well…I will be there as soon as I get enough money…and hey, if it’s required to bring him with…then so be it!! 

    1. Obviously, you and Jason met on Xanga…right?  LOL!  How long after you started chatting/emailing/talking did you realize you were in love w/ each other?

    2.  How long after you fell in love, did the two of you meet face to face?

    3.  What was it like when you met?  Everything you thought it would be?  Awkward?  Fabulous?  Do tell. 

    4.  Any plans for marriage in the future?

    (Hmmm…I hope these aren’t too personal, Maria )

    Posted 2/20/2003 at 8:50 pm by writermom25

    Okay…I’m going to try to answer these the best that I can. 

    1.  Yes, Jason and I met through Xanga…but we also have a mutual friend.  It was a few months after we first started chatting/talking etc. before we discussed our feelings for each other.

    2.  Well, we met each other face to face last summer for the first time out in Georgia…right before my birthday.  Nice b-day gift eh?

    3.  Well, I think that we were both very nervous about finally seeing each other in person.  However, I don’t think that either one of us was disappointed at all after meeting.  I mean, he does live here with me now right?  It wasn’t awkward, I think that it was more of a relief.  The time that we spent together that weekend was fabulous!  It was like finally meeting the other half of me, the part that was was the saying good bye part that was absolutely awful.  I cried most of my flight home.

    4.     I KNEW that someone was going to ask this question!!Hmm…well, all I can tell you is that you’ll just have to wait and see…the same as me. 

    Which is easier to raise? Boys or Girls? I’ve heard both..But more in the boys favor.

    Posted 2/21/2003 at 9:41 am by SilverJune

    Good question!! Umm…I think that they are all challenging in their own little ways…but I’d have to say that boys are a bit easier than girls.  Mainly because girls are so emotional and cry at the drop of a hat!  Boys pretty much shrug most things off and move on.  But this is only MY opinion…and remember, I haven’t gotten into teenage years with any of them as of yet.  Ask me again in ten years when the boys are 14.


    Well…that’s all of the questions that have been asked thus far.  However, only a few of my normal readers came by and read that post…so, any more questions?

    While you’re pondering that…I would just like to tell you all that I truly do appreciate all of your comments that you leave me.  You all have been wonderful in your support and prayers and thoughts.  Thank you.

    I hope that you all have a fabulous weekend and if you think of any other questions…let me know.  I probably won’t get a chance to answer until Monday…so I’ll see you then!



  • A friend of mine emailed me this photo of his house out in Kittery, Maine.  He thought that I’d be interested in seeing how much snow they’ve received as of late.

    He also sent me this photo…I thought that I’d share it just because it’s cool.

    We’re supposed to be getting a storm coming through this way sometime this weekend…but I’ll believe it when I see it. 

    It would be nice to see some of that white stuff here.

    On a different note, I was wondering if there is anything that any of you would like know more about me.  In other words, (I’m stealing an idea from Tammy) if any of you have any questions that you’d like to ask me…feel free…ask away.

    I hope that you are having a good week!!


  • Thank you all very much for the wonderful comments regarding my boys!! Very nice indeed.

    Very busy here at work today…so I’ll try to get around to visiting all of you later.

    I hope that you are having a VERY Happy Hump Day!!


  • I’m sure that you’ll notice that I’ve changed things a bit around here…I found this really cool background and just HAD to have it here.

    Anyway…I’m sorry that I haven’t visited your sites as often as I usually do.  I will try to get around to everyone this week…hopefully today sometime. 

    I’ve been pretty busy here at work and well, the boys are sick…yet again.  I think they were well for about a week…maybe.

    Caleb is going in to be evaluated for tubes for his ears because of all of the ear infections that he’s had on a constant basis…since birth.  It’s been rediculous!!!  I just want him to feel well…he has enough to deal with…without adding all of the ear infections on top of it.

    Jonah is running a fever and has a sore throat…doctor just says that he has yet another bad cold.  I swear …kids are just breeding grounds for germs.

    Poor little guys…

    Anyway…I hope you like the new look around here…I know that I do, but hey…you have to look at it too…so let me know what you think okay.

    Did anyone watch the Joe Millionaire show last night?

    If so…what did you think about the ending???

    Okay…back to work for me!! Have a great Tuesday!


  • So Friday evening I get home late from work…and my Jason walks up to me with these held behind his back.



    Now tell me…how can anyone resist this adorable little face??  Hmm??? 

    Yup…I admit it, I’m a sucker for a handsome man who gives me a mushy card, a dozen gorgeous roses, and an adorable stuffed eyeore with a heart hanging out of his mouth asking me to be his valentine!!

    But…do you blame me????  

    Saturday was interesting.  Most of the day was spent with the kids…while waiting for my Mom to come home to watch them for us while we snuck out for a few hours.

    We left the house around 4pm…and headed over to Ruby Tuesday’s.  We were the only ones there for almost an hour!! Talk about having catered service…hehe. 

    After stuffing ourselves with salad, wonderful entrees, and a strawberry tall cake with ice cream and whipped topping…YUMMY!!

    Then we were off to a movie…How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days…we enjoyed it!!

    After the movie, we headed over to the bar to have a few drinks and play some air hockey!

    Well…we had a few drinks and yes, we played some air hockey…despite my sprained hand.  We played three games of air hockey and I got my butt kicked on all them!! 

    So…we moved on to pool…yup, good o’le pool.  AND…I got butt kicked at that as well. Then I gave up on the games.

    We’d been there for a few hours by then…so we decided to call it a night and go home.  My hand was a bit sore from playing air hockey…but not bad. 

    Yesterday we spent just watching movies with the kids and relaxing…well attempting to anyway.

    It was a wonderful first Valentine’s Day with my honey.  Thank you sweetie for everything!!

    I hope that you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and weekend!!

    Happy Monday!!



    To all of my Xanga friends!!!!


    AND…to MY Valentine…I give YOU my



