Month: March 2003

  • Baseball is BACK!!!

    That’s right…it’s time for a new season of America’s favorite pastime!!

    This means Spring has sprung!! AND…it also means that my favorite sport is about to begin the playoff series…yup, HOCKEY!!!

    I won’t bore all of you with TOO much sports talk…BUT, I must say that I’m a bit excited about the beginning of baseball…because that means that I can go to Rockies games!!  I LOVE going to Coors Field…it’s just too much fun!  The field is gorgeous AND the food is very yummy (expensive…but still yummy)…and the atmosphere is incredible there.  Everyone is so laid back and easy going about things…it’s very relaxing there.

    Okay…enough on that…for now.

    Thank you for your wonderful sentiments regarding the loss of my ex’s Grandpa…I appreciate you all very much.  It was difficult, but it was relieving at the same time.  If you could keep my ex and his family in your prayers…it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

    The weekend, despite the circumstances of having to attend a memorial service, was spent with my best friend from Texas who came up for a visit after 7 years of not seeing each other.  We had fun!! We went shopping…and we went shopping…and, did I mention that we went shopping? It was good times! 

    I think Jason is still trying to figure out exactly what he thinks of her…but he’ll get used to her.  She is one of a kind…and some people just need a little time to adjust.  Ya know? 

    Don’t get me wrong, she is an incredible friend and I love her like a sister and she and I will be friends ’til our dying days…it’s just that sometimes she gets stuck on a subject…and becomes a bit of a broken record.  Jason isn’t used to that with me…so, it was a little bit of an adjustment…but he did very well and was quite accommodating to us the entire weekend.  He is wonderful!!

    Thank you sweetheart for being so good to me!! 

    Okay…onward, today it was back to work for me and of course after not being there for 2 days last week…everything was backed up and on my desk! Yikes!!  It’ll take a me a few days to dig myself out of the paperwork…darn it!  BUT…it was worth it and I wouldn’t trade the time that I had with my friend for anything.

    FYI – Next Tuesday is my love’s birthday (which means that he will be 28 before me…hehe)…so, I’ll forewarn you that there will most likely be a mushy, lovey-dovey, type post that day. 

    I hope that you all are doing well m’dears…and I’ll visit some tomorrow…but for now, it’s off to the showers for me and then to bed…I NEED my beauty sleep ya know.

    Take care!!


  • Sorry that I haven’t been around much at all lately. However, I appreciate all of your comments and support on everything that I’ve posted!!  You all are awesome!!  Thank you.

    I do have some sad news to report, about a week ago I asked you all to pray for my ex’s grandpa who has been very ill with cancer.  Well, he died yesterday and the funeral is this Thursday.  I’m glad that he is no longer having to suffer, my ex’s mom told me that he’d been in quite a bit of pain the past 3 or 4 days prior to his death.

    I think the saddest part of all of this isn’t just the fact that my children are losing their great-grandpa, but that one of my most favorite people is gone now…and I just pray that he knows how much I love him and how much he is missed.

    I probably won’t be around much at all over the next few days and throughout the weekend.  The same day as the funeral, one of my closest and dearest friends is flying out to visit me.  I haven’t seen her in about 7 years…so it will be a bittersweet day for me, but I’m glad that she will be here with me and that I have Jason to lean on.  I’m going to spend the next weekend with her and my family…so I will be away from my computer a bit.

    I pray that you are doing well and that I will be back to visit with you all very soon.


  • This is what all of the plants and trees out here look like now…sad isn’t it?  The poor things have all been weighed down so much with snow…and some just didn’t make it through the storm at all without breaking.

    Well…we now have the driveway and the front walkway shoveled! Gee…that ONLY took over 3 days!!  No biggie eh?

    The bad part is…I’ve heard that it’s supposed to snow again this next week!!  It’s only bad because I know that we won’t be thawed out from this last snow by the time the new snow arrives…which means MORE shoveling!! YIKES!

    My biceps and triceps are SOOOOOOO  sore as it is!! Let alone the back of my thighs…ouch!! I guess that just means that I’ve been using my legs to lift and not my back …which is good, but it still is a major OUCH!

    Who needs gyms!!!

    Well…I’m going to go soak my poor worn out muscles in a hot bath now…and then I’m going to attempt to come visit all of you.

    I hope that you all are doing well…and I’m sorry that I’ve been M.I.A. the past few days…but when nature calls…you just say “YES MAM”!!


  • Did someone say SNOW?!?!?

    This was the view just outside our front door yesterday morning!! 

    The cast iron gate that you can barely see…is over 3ft tall btw.

    Hey…where’s Jason’s car??

    Oh wait…I think I see it.  Is that big white hump just beyond the light post it??


    That kind of resembles it…kind of.

    Over the past 48 hours we have received over 36 inches of snow…well, in our neighborhood anyway.  Other cities in Colorado have received over 7ft of snow!!!  Needless to say, (but I’m going to anyway) my car is not even parked somewhere remotely close to our house at the moment…it’s about 2 blocks or so away.  It took me quite some time to travel from my work in Castle Rock (about 22 mi. South from my home) back to my house early Tuesday afternoon…and then when I arrived in my neighborhood, I was not able to make it up the hill that leads to my house.  So, my car is parked off to curb in front of a neighbor’s house (who I just met that day and he helped dig my car out enough to push it off to the side of the road).

    So…it looks like we finally got that snow that I’ve been wanting for so long eh?

    The meteorologists around the Denver Metro Area are calling this storm the Blizzard of Spring 2003…umm, okay.  Granted, no one is going any where any time soon, but I’ve seen a LOT more snow than this…but I grew up in Michigan where this is just part of a normal winter experience!  We did spend about 4 hours yesterday afternoon without any electricity…but we played Monopoly with the kids to make the time pass by quicker.  It was fun!

    The kids aren’t quite sure as to what to think about all of this, but they did have fun playing out in the snow yesterday.

    I hope all of you are doing well and have had a wonderful week thus far!!  As for us, well…I’m won’t be going into work until MAYBE tomorrow and we’re just going to attempt to dig ourselves out of this now.



  • Old Irish Proverb

    When we drink, we get drunk.
    When we get drunk, we fall asleep.
    When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.
    When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
    So, let’s all get drunk, and go to heaven!

    Irish Blessing

    May your past be a pleasant memory,
    Your future filled with delight and mystery,
    Your now a glorious moment,
    That fills your life with deep contentment.



    We are the proud parents of a new (well, to us anyway ) 2001 Ford Escort Sedan!!  It’s actually very pretty…but I promised Jason that since it’s HIS car (not technically but he’s driving it…haha ) that he could tell you ALL about it…so I won’t rain on his parade!

    Personally, I’m just very relieved that it’s all over!! I will say that we did finally get the bank to cooperate with us and we got 5.99% financing that we’d agreed upon…so that it VERY helpful…and we were lucky enough to have a very cool guy to deal with at the dealership, not your usual, run of the mill type of “salesman”…he’s the financing person for the website etc….but his personality is similar to mine and we clicked…which is rare.

    Okay…I’m done with that subject now, I’ve probably already said more than I should’ve.  Sorry honey.

    On to a different subject…

    This one is very sad for me, but I need to let it out.  See, I’m very close to my ex-husband’s Mom and his grandparents (her parents).  His Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer a while back and has had many treatments for it but, they have failed and he is now in a nursing home.  The doctors have told the family that the cancer has spread and that he doesn’t have much longer to live.  They are now making him painkillers and such to make him as comfortable as possible.

    I can’t express exactly how much this deeply saddens me.  After losing my Grandfather this last Fall…this is just like going through it all over again.  See, my ex’s Grandpa has ALWAYS been so kind and loving and just plain wonderful to me since even before my ex and I were married.  I just fell in love with the man, especially since I wasn’t ever THAT close to my own Grandpa.  This man just holds a VERY special place in my heart…and I hate the thought of him having to go through all of this …let alone the fact that his family is having to endure it all as well.

    For those of you who pray, PLEASE pray that he will go quickly and peacefully so that he doesn’t have to endure any more pain than he already has and also for his wife of over 50 years, whom I fear may be just lost once he’s gone.  She’s a strong woman, but even the strong ones need support after losing the love of their life.

    I had to share all of this because it’s just been weighing very heavily upon my heart and I needed to let it out.

    Thank you for letting me do so.

    I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend…Jason and I are going to go out tonight and celebrate our first major purchase together.   It will be fun!


  • Sorry that I’ve been gone so long…and haven’t visited anyone.

    Like I mentioned in my previous post, we’ve been TRYING to get Jason a new car…but, MAN…doing it shouldn’t be this damn difficult!!!

    I have damn near perfect credit…but…well, let’s just say that banks SUCK!!  They’re supposed to be there to lend you money when you NEED it…isn’t that why it’s called LOANING??? 

    I’ll let you know how things turn out soon…we’re still in the midst of all of the choas as of yet.

    PRAY for us!!


  • OUT trying to get Jason a NEW car…wish us luck!!! 

    It’s been a tough time of it so far.

    Will be back soon!!!

    (hopefully with good news)



    The surgery went extremely well and Caleb was a perfect angel throughout the entire thing.

    We are home now and he is doing just fine!

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers…


  • Wow…thank you all VERY much for the birthday wishes to my twins!!

    Last night was fun!!  We had pizza  and chocolate birthday cake (yes Juls…there is plenty left over if you’d like a piece ) and then they opened their gifts.  They both got spiderman pillows (the ones that actually are shaped and look like spiderman…from grandma).  Caleb got an etch-a-scetch, which he immediately fell in love with (yay) and Jonah received a spiderman figure, which he also fell in love with (yay…2 for 2).  I had bought them both toy cell phones the day before, so that they would stop playing with mine and Jason’s.  They loved those as well…so…so far so good!

    We have pictures…but I didn’t get time to upload them last night…so maybe sometime this weekend.

    I have a favor to ask all of you…

    My youngest twin, Caleb…is going in tomorrow morning to Children’s Hospital in Denver to have surgery done on his ears in attempts to stop the severe ear infections that he’s been chronically having since he was born.

    Would you please keep him in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow for me?

    Being autistic, he is more than likely not going to be very cooperative for the preparations for this and very scared and confused as to what is going on.  So if you could all just say a little prayer for him tonight…it would be GREATLY appreciated.

    I’m hoping that this surgery will help stop the ear infections and pain that he’s had to endure for so long…and maybe, just maybe he will finally be able to sleep all the way through the night without waking up in pain.  Maybe then I can get some much needed rest as well eh?

    I hope that you’ve had a wonderful week thus far…I will let you know how the surgery went sometime tomorrow night.

