Month: August 2003

  • Dear Xangans,

    Please excuse Maria’s absence as of late as she has been quite busy with her real life and has not had time to visit, comment, and post as a true Xangan should.


    Maria’s Conscience

  • Calgon….take me away!!

    As if my life isn’t hectic enough..being a Mom of four just oozes chaos, but this past week has been pretty crazy…and with school starting up again soon (like within 2 weeks), crazy is only the beginning I fear!

    I’m supposed to go to a friend’s kids’ birthday party tomorrow…but they live over 50 miles away (yup, the same one that I got lost on the way to the wedding a few weeks ago)…BUT I’m also supposed to go in for a fitting on my gown tomorrow…AND I have Jonah this weekend (scary eh?). 

    I called my friend and told him that I don’t know if we’ll be able to make it up there tomorrow…but we’ll try (the party is at 11:30am).  He, of course, says that it’s not a problem and that if we want to come up later that afternoon…then to just come on over.  Nice guy eh? Yeah…he’s cool.

    However, there’s another glitch to this little idea of traveling all the way over there…Jason has to work tomorrow, which means that I’ll be taking the little ones up there all by my lonesome…(YIKES).  With Jonah being home with me this weekend, I’m not quite sure if I want to attempt this road trip or not.  I will have Dora with me to help…but sometimes, even that doesn’t workout so well. Hmm…I think I’ll just have to wait and see how the little angels are behaving tomorrow and then determine whether or not venturing would be a good idea.

    I’ve been swamped! Between dealing with the tuxedo place, the florists (yes, plural because I’m having a difficult time finding one that will work with me out here from Vegas), and getting the last minute things that we will need…well…I’m just very glad that I don’t have to deal with more than what I’m having to at the moment (i.e. I’m glad we decided NOT to have a big wedding).

    So…how are you?  I’m sorry that I’ve been gone so much…hopefully things will calm down a little bit soon.

    Have a great weekend!!
