Month: September 2003

  • 12 More Days

    You want to hear something funny?

    Last night…before bed, Jason starting singing (that’s not the funny part…hold on…there’s more)…he started singing the “Twelve Days of Jason & Maria“! 

    Okay…NOW laugh!!  Yup…it was not only humorous…but very cute as well.

    So I called the surgeon’s office this morning…they can schedule me for an initial visit next Tuesday.  That’s the good news…the bad news is, they don’t take my insurance.

    So, I called my insurance company and asked them how much it would be for an out of network coverage.  They said that it would raise my deductable by about $50…and that they would only cover 80% (instead of 100% like normal)…and that after the $1500 out of pocket mark is reached, they will cover 100% following it.

    I was upset at first, but then I thought about it and that isn’t bad coverage…I mean, some insurance ONLY cover that much for providers that are in network…so, I called the surgeon’s office back and said that I will definitely be there on Tuesday.

    I won’t know any more on this until then…

    I do, however, want to say THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH for all of your wonderful loving comments…you are awesome!

    Jason and I are so excited about the wedding!!  I can’t believe it’s SO close…and getting closer everyday! 

    I’m working on building a website for our online wedding album…(umm…in my spare time), once it’s done I’ll post the URL.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  • ~13 Days To Go

    Thank you for the supportive comments!!

    Here’s what the doctor had to say at yesterday’s visit…

    She told me that they DID find something on the ultrasound. They didn’t find a hernia…BUT they DID find a LUMP.  So, I am to call this surgeon that she is sending me to on Friday.

    She said that if the surgeon tells me that he is unable to get me in for a long period of time (like a month or two) that I’m to call her and notify her, then she will call him back and speak with him directly and let him know that I need to be in before that.

    I figure, that more than likely I will be going in for surgery just as soon as we return from our honeymoon, depending upon how long and how extensive the surgery will be.  I hope that it will be a simple procedure…but she did say that the lump is deep into my abdomen…so, that might not be the case.

    Anyway, I’ll let ya know what I find out as we go along.

    I apologize for not getting around to visit you all a great deal as of late, but I’m trying to get things ready at work for when I take my vacation…so I haven’t had much time to do much of anything…let alone read.  Sorry.

  • 14 days…

    The pic above is one that I took of MY bouquet (the one that I made) and the personalized flutes that I had made for us. 

    I was impressed by how well it all photographed!

    On a Different Note

    I’m going into the doctor today…hmm…maybe I should give a little bit of background as to what has occured before I explain the reason as to why I’m going in today.

    A dear friend of mine, Evelyn (she and Jason worked together at Successories, the store that went out of business a few months ago) talked me into going in to see her doctor regarding the pain that I’ve had in my abdomen for over 4 1/2 years now.  I reluctantly agreed to go.

    Her doctor seemed very nice and listened to everything that I had to say.  She asked if the other physicians that I’ve seen in the past ever checked me for a hernia…and I told her no.  Although I’ve had countless CT’s over the past few years…they never once said anything about a possible hernia, which should’ve showed up on a scan like that.

    However, she decided to have me go in for an ultrasound and said that she wanted to see if anything showed up on that test…and if not, then our next option would be exploratory surgery.

    Hmm…okay.  I’ve been tested for many things over the past 4 years, but not one doctor has offered to do exploratory before now.  This doctor atleast is willing to find out what really is wrong if it’s not a hernia.

    Okay…that brings me to today’s visit.  I’m going in to discuss the results of the ultrasound.  I’m hoping that something showed up on that test and that she will just tell me what it is and how we’re going to go about fixing it.  However, I have a feeling that she will tell me that I’ll have to go through exploratory surgury.

    I figure that all of the other doctors never detected what the real problem was…so, the chance of her telling me the cause of all of this off of one test is pretty slim. Ya know?

    I’ll let ya know what she says.

  • Sometimes…life throws you a curve ball

    Yup…and sometimes it’s a really bad one too!

    I didn’t get to watch my hockey game last …it wasn’t televised…darn it. 

    Well…as my friend eeyore would say, “Kinda sorta figures”.

    That was only a minor detail however, this morning was a whole different ballgame.

    I was informed this morning that my oldest daughter (yes, the same one who pierced her own ears last weekend) Dora, spent yesterday’s lunch hour in detention at school.  This was something that I was not aware of…but then I found out the reason as to WHY this event occurred.

    See, apparently my daughter is missing a few assignments in a couple of classes.  So the teachers sent home a transmittal form to be reviewed by me and signed in acknowledgement of this matter.  Well, needless to say I never saw these forms nor was I aware of ANY missing assignments…until this morning.

    Not only did my daughter not give me the forms…but she also turned them back into her teachers without my knowledge and forged my signature on them as well!!

    Yup…I said FORGED! Not a smart move on her part…nope, not at ALL.

    So, once I received this note in my hand this morning and had my eyes opened to this situation…she heard a few words of shock, disappointment, and utter disbelief come out of my mouth.

    Then she was informed that she is grounded until further notice…and that ALL homework will be done in my presence from NOW ON!

    AND if she ever even thought of forging my signature (or anyone else’s for that matter) again…I would be more than happy to have her visit juvenile hall to see what happens to others that do that.

    So…now I’m at a point where I’m just hoping…praying…that I can make her understand somehow that what she did was SO wrong and that it would’ve been much easier (and better) to have just told me that she needed help or didn’t get the assignments done to begin with.  She has most certainly put herself into one hell of a predicament.

    Geez…I KNOW that I wasn’t this bad as a child…in fact, I was a good kid.  I don’t understand the logic in this at all.


  • Okay, okay…

    Yesterday was VERY hectic!! BUT, the good news is that mom’s OK! YAY!

    Thanks to all of you who kept her in your thoughts and prayers…very appreciated!!

    Now…you might want to consider doing the same for my Jonah…’cuz I might just have to make him disappear!

    He drove me absolutely NUTS yesterday!  Wouldn’t listen…kept doing everything I asked him NOT to do…talked back…threw temper tantrums…it just didn’t end!

    By the time that we got home…I was ready to just take him out and drop him off at a randomly picked home!  However, I of course didn’t do so…I instead fed him dinner and send his little butt promptly to bed.  GEEZ!!

    I tell ya…I’m so ready to watch hockey tonight I can’t even begin to express it…I need tension release really BAD.

    Can you tell?

  • 21 Days ’til Wedding Bells!!





    Hmm…ya know, if I actually allowed myself to half as excited as I truly am…I’d just explode!





    Well…until the actual day arrives, I have something that will most certainly occupy my mind…


    Yup…Hockey Preseason begins tomorrow for the Colorado Avalanche…which means that I can watch my favorite player work his magic out on the ice once more!!


    Thank God that the Canadians invented hockey and that the Swedes produce players like Peter Forsberg!!

    I’m not excited about hockey…really…it’s not like I’ve been able to watch any games since June…which was only around 2 months ago or so…so nooooo…I’m not eager or anything.

    Yeah right!!  I’m totally excited!  The Avs not only Forsberg…they’ve got Sakic, Blake, Foote, Hejduk, and now Kariya and Selanne.  What’s not to be excited about eh?

    So…you see, I will have something to occupy my mind (outside of the norm of course) until the wedding…hehe.

    Okay…back to work for me and then off to get the kiddos and then mom and then up to the hospital we go. 

    Now…I just need to figure out what I’m going to do to entertain 3 small children for a few hours…hmmm.


  • Piercings and Colonoscopies?!

    So my oldest daughter had her best friend stay over this last weekend.  I, of course, gave them the normal list of rules…

    1.  Bedtime is at 10pm (which I broke…and let them stay up MUCH later)

    2.  No pigging out on junk food (which I also broke…’cuz I let them)

    3.  No making loud noises throughout the night keeping everyone else in the house awake (this one I DID enforce)

    Now…those are normal rules…I didn’t think to add…

    4.  No piercing each other!

    So, Sunday afternoon…when I finally got them to get up out of bed, I found out that during the night MY daughter decided that she wanted her ears pierced again…so she took it upon herself to pierce her own ears…with nothing more than an earring.  Nice eh?

    Well, needless to say (but I’m going to say it anyway) I wasn’t happy about this! I looked at her ears and the new holes that she’d put into them and noticed a few things…

    1.  she’d put the new holes directly ABOVE the first ones

    2.  the holes were red…and bloody

    After giving her the “I can’t believe that you did that” speech…I asked her why she didn’t just come to me and tell me that she wanted them pierced again.  She then says to me,

    “Mom…I didn’t MEAN to pierce them again…it was an ACCIDENT”

    Umm…do have idiot flashing in neon on my forehead????

    I don’t THINK so!

    Anyway…I later (after letting the smoke billow out of my ears for awhile) sat her down and calmly discussed things with her and informed her that now she’s going to have to wait a few years before getting her ears pierced again.

    An accident my arse!!

    Okay…I bet you are wondering what this has to do with an colonoscopy huh?  Well, my mom is going in for one tomorrow…not a joyous procedure by any means.

    They found some blood…so now they want to investigate.  Smart idea…but my mom is scared that she might have something very serious.

    So…if you could please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow…it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • Can you say Viagra?

  • 30 days to GO!!!

  • A Bit of Wedding Update…

    Okay…I’m going to attempt this post AGAIN!!  Xanga ate the first one.

    I promised you all a post regarding changes and such that I’ve done in planning the wedding.

    As you all are well aware of…planning a wedding is difficult.  Especially if you are wanting any of the traditional items such as flowers…wedding cake…etc.

    I’ve been looking at different cakes and weighing my options for several months now and decided that maybe we should look into alternative ideas.  Cakes are expensive…especially wedding cakes, even when it’s just a cake for two.

    Las Vegas is known for having wonderful pricing on wedding packages and several options to accompany them…however, the bakeries surrounding that area can be expensive when you are on a very tight budget (which we are).  I thought about the fact that Jason really isn’t a big fan of cakes…but, he loves cookies.  That gave me an idea…so I visited a website that I know of and found this:

    A wedding cookie bouquet!!  That’s perfect!  So, that’s what we will be having instead of a wedding cake.  I thought the idea was ingenious…and I’m glad that I wasn’t the only person who thought of it…Cookies By Design obviously did as well and I’m grateful for that.

    After solving the cake riddle…I decided that I still wanted to have a “cake top” even though we weren’t having a cake.  Does that make sense?

    Well, I wanted a little statuette for a keepsake that reminded me of us…personality wise that is.  Cake tops can be extremely expensive…but, I found one that I love that was petite, elegant and inexpensive…only $16.

    Click to view large image.

    Ours is just the couple…I didn’t purchase the arch base. I think that this couple depicts Jason and I almost perfectly.

    Now…you all know that I’m picky…yes, I admit it…I am most certainly picky, especially where my bouquet is concerned.

    I wanted to get fresh flowers…BUT, the bouquet that I wanted was minimum $130…and that’s just not going to cut it.  SOOOOOOO, I decided that it would be best if I just made my bouquest out of silk flowers…and I did for $30.

    Here is the bouquet the I used as an inspiration:

    Mine doesn’t have yellow in it…but this is VERY close to the one I made!

    You will have to wait to see the original items until after the wedding…I’ve decided that I don’t want to give away EVERYTHING…although I do love sharing with you.

    Last…but not least, Jason and I wanted to have toasting glasses…but not ordinary glasses, we wanted something colorful…yet elegant, and personalized…and of course…inexpensive.  So…once again I went on the hunt and I found these beautiful champagne flutes for only $25 for the pair and that was with personalization!

    Click to enlarge


    Now…you’ll just have to imagine that this says:

    Jason & Maria


    October 8, 2003

    I had them enlarge the name O’Quinn on the middle line and they did a marvelous job!

    Jason loves them of course…the stem IS purple ya know!


    Well…that’s about it for now…oh, except for one other thing.  You know how I said that my gown was ivory and ruby…well…try ruby and white?!   I must be getting color blind in my old age!  I went in for my fitting and had my gown shortened and realized that my shoes…weren’t the same color as my gown…!  Talk about embarrassing! Yikes!

    Well…needless to say, I returned the shoes and the hand bag and bought a different pair of shoes…similar to the original ones that I’d purchased. 

    I’m telling ya, I’m going insane!

    Well…other than that, everything stayed the same! Oh…I did make one other purchase for 40% off of $19, I bought a large shadow box that I will be able to save my bouquet and one of our announcements in after the wedding.  I think that it will serve as a lovely keepsake and a nice wall hanging to remind us of that wonderful day!

    Okay…I’m done now.  Time to get back to work for me!