Month: October 2003


    I believe that I’ve mentioned before that I grew up in a house that was haunted.  Although, I know that some don’t believe in spirits lingering here…I know what I’ve experienced and I know what I’ve seen and heard.

    I grew up in a small farm town in Michigan.  It was twenty miles to the closest city with a store…I mean a real store, not just a little hole in the wall convenience/corner store.

    Anyway, our house happened to be built partially over an old lakebed and partially over an indian burial ground.  That right there should have told my parents that they shouldn’t have moved in…but I don’t honestly think that they knew about it beforehand.  We also found out in latter years that a murder/suicide occured in the old portion of the house many years before my parents purchased it.  Michigan laws, at the time, didn’t require the release of that information to potential buyers.  So my parents just had no clue as to what…and who they were dealing with.

    A lot of strange occurences happened in that old house.  Many of which seemed only to affect me.  However, I believe that was due to my open mindedness and sense of awareness for the sort.

    When I was about 8 years old…we had quite a few episodes.  On my 8th birthday, the clock which hung over the mantel in our living room that belonged to my grandma who died only a week shy of my first birthday began ticking at the stroke of midnight.  It was a wind up clock…and the key was never found after grandma’s passing.  So it hadn’t been wound in over 8 years…and yet, here it was, now ticking as if it had just been wound. 

    Later that summer, my dad had just come home from work and decided that we needed to go into town.  He was an armed security guard and was always very cautious about leaving loaded guns and such out where little hands could get to them.  He usually put those items away the minute that he got home and then locked them up in the library…but on this day he was in a hurry, so he took off his gun and holster and set them on the desk in the library, locked the door and we left to go into town.  It was just my dad and I, my brother was at a friend’s house and my mom was out of town at the time…so no one was at the house while we were gone.

    When we arrived home, dad and I went back upstairs to the library to put the items that he’d bought from the hardware store in the room.  I walked up to the door and was going to jiggle the handle to hurry my dad up on opening the door…but when I put my hand on the doorknob…the door swung open to our surprise.  “I KNOW that I locked that door”, my dad said.  I know that he did as well.  We walked in and on the desk where my dad had left his gun and holster, were sitting a line of bullets and the bullet box net to them.  Under the corner of the box was a note written in a female’s handwriting. 

    The note stated:

    Don’t ever leave a loaded gun out where my grandchildren could get a hold of it!

    After my dad read the note, he turned white as a sheet!  He said that the note was in my grandma’s handwriting!  The gun and holster that he’d left on the desk were hung in the closet and the gun had been emptied.  Henceforth the bullets on the desk.

    Later that year in the Fall, my mom and were up in her room.  It was rather late at night…and my dad and brother had fallen asleep downstairs on the couches while watching television.  Mom and I were sitting on her bed talking and such when we heard footsteps coming down the hallway.  My mom called out to see if it was my brother…but there was no answer.  So she called out again for my dad…but again, there was no answer.  So she stood up and walked over to the door and opened it and turned the light on in the hallway, there was no one there…but she could still hear the footsteps coming toward her. 

    Now my parents had one of those old doors that slid into the wall…but it did have a lock on it and after checking and finding no one in the hall, my mom used that lock.  She got back on the bed and told me that there wasn’t anyone there…but we could still hear the footsteps and they were LOUD and they were very close!  As soon as the footsteps seemed to reach the door…they stopped.  For a moment I was relieved, but then the locked door flew open and the lights all turned off!

    We, of course, screamed our bloody heads off!!  But then…a moment later, the lights came back on and no one was there.  The door to the bedroom was still open and no one was there!  We cautiously went downstairs to see if maybe my brother was pulling a prank…but when we got there, all we saw was my brother and father sleeping on the couches where they’d been when we’d last saw them.  The dogs were still lying on the floor as well…no one had moved an inch.

    When I was 17 we moved into a new house…at this time we were living in Texas.  The house was an old spanish styled home with a walled courtyard out front with a cast iron gate.  I had taken my dog with me over to the new house along with some breakable items.  When I got to the house, I put my dog out in the back yard and walked into the house.  I searched for the lights…but could only find one light switch …and it only lit up a portion of the hallway.  None the less, I started bring things in from my car.

    On one of my trips back out to the car, I was walking down the hall toward the door and I heard a little girl say, “Hello…I’m Rachel, who are you?”.  I didn’t even think, I just replied “Hi Rachel, my name is Maria”.  Then it dawned on me…there was NO ONE in the house but me!  The voice seemed to be as if she was standing right in front of me.  She said “Do you know where my mommy is?  I can’t find her…I miss her so much.”  She started to cry and then ran down the hall and into the master bedroom and shut the door.  I didn’t see her mind you…but I could hear her clear as day!  I walked down the hall and stood in front of the door to the master bedroom.  I tried to open it, but it was locked.

    “Rachel…are you there?” I said, “Open the door Rachel…please, let me in.”  I could hear her crying from inside the room.  At that moment, the door popped open…and I pushed it open the rest of the way and slowly walked inside.

    The room was somewhat dark…but I could see a bit from the light that shown in through the window.  I could see her…not clearly…but a faint outline of her in the corner near the window.  She had a dress on…but not of this time period…an older dress from the 70′s.  She had long dark hair…and her clothes seemed to be damaged a bit…almost wet looking.

    “Rachel…don’t cry.  I’m sure that you’ll find your mommy.” I said, even though I had no clue as to how this spirit was supposed to find her mom.  I felt bad for her…and I was a bit frightened myself.  “I haven’t seen her for a long time…” she sobbed, “I miss her”.  “I know…I wish I could help you” I replied.

    “Will you be my friend?  That would help.” she said as she stopped crying.  Now…at this moment, I didn’t know what to say.  A friend…to a spirit?  Isn’t that a bit…odd?  I thought…I must be losing my mind.  But, I answered yes anyway.  She said thank you and then ran towards the bathroom and disappeared into the wall.

    I had many encounters with Rachel during the time that I lived at that residence.  In fact, I had my oldest daughter while living there.  Rachel seemed to enjoy having a baby in the house.  You could feel a change of energy in the air after Dora was born.  Rachel was not a typical spirit.  She was one that didn’t seem to know that she was dead…even though she relived her death every year on the anniversary.  See, we had a pool out in the backyard…Rachel drowned in that pool when she only 5.

  • Post-Surgery Update

    I went in for my follow-up visit yesterday for my abdominal surgery.  The surgeon got the test results back from the lab on the mass that he’d removed.  Now if you remember, I stated after my surgery that he told me that I did NOT have endometriosis…well, he fibbed.  The results showed that I most certainly did have it!  He said that he didn’t tell me because he wanted to make sure that the test results showed what he suspected and didn’t want to get ahead of himself…which is fine.  I’d stated many times that I thought that endometriosis was what it was…but I’d hoped I was wrong. 

    Now I’m just glad that he has removed it and has sealed what needed to be sealed so that I can live a normal life again.  He told me that I’m doing wonderfully and should be totally recuperated within a month…that is incredible news!

    I’m feeling better as each day passes…less swelling…less discomfort…and more energy.  I can’t wait until I’m healthy enough to go run and play with the kids again!!

    This is like receiving a whole new lease on life for me…now I will be able to excercise again…and lose the weight that I’d put on while not being able to do so for so long!  I’m excited…can you tell?

    Jason, of course, said, “I told you so”…nice eh? LOL…he did though and without him I would have never had made it through all of this…nor would I have even considered going to another doctor.  Yeah…he’s a keeper…good thing I married him huh?

    I am also SO grateful to our friend Evelyn who held my hand (and Jason’s) through all of this.  She is a wonderful woman and I will never forget her kindness and love.  It’s a great feeling to have a friend like that.

    Well…I need to get back to work, but I wanted to give you all a little update on my health situation. 

    Have a great day!!

    Eeyorebv.gif courtesy of Pepsiluver

  • Okay… ready for some wedding photos??

    I’ll give you a bit of info on the events first…

    Tuesday, Oct. 7th

    Jason and I arose extremely early to catch our flight out to Vegas.  To our suprise, when we checked in at the airport…they upgraded us to first class front row seats for our flight out!  That was nice…Jason had plenty of leg room and the crew was wonderful.

    Once we arrived in Vegas, we got to the hotel and checked in.  I was just glad that they had a room available for us that early in the morning.  The room did NOT have a view however, unless you count the dead bird that was down on the cement below out window. Yuck!

    Anyway, we called the tuxedo shop to let them know that we were in town and were ready to be picked up to get Jason’s tux fitted…well, they promptly informed us that the driver wasn’t there and that they weren’t going to pick us up.  So we had to take a cab over there…which cost us $10 for a one way trip and it wasn’t that far away.  Of course, the taxi’s put $3 on the clock as soon as you sit down.  Anyway, the tux fit like a glove and Jason looked wonderful.  So we walked down to the bus stop and took a bus back toward the hotel.  The bus was only $1.50…but when we got off, we noticed that the chapel was right there…so we walked over and had them take us to the courthouse to get the marriage license and then back over to the hotel.

    The courthouse is normally not very busy during the week, but for some reason on this day it was SWAMPED!!  So getting our license, which normally would only take about 5 – 10 minutes, took around 45 minutes.  We didn’t mind…we were just happy to be there!

    After getting back to the hotel, we rested a bit.  I had done a lot of walking and my abdomen was a bit sore and swollen.  We did go to dinner at the buffet downstairs not long after though.  The food was wonderful!  I was very impressed considering it was a buffet.  Jason and I stuffed ourselves and then went back to our room to await Wil’s phone call to let us know that he was in town.

    Well, I fell asleep…and Jason was exhausted as well…so by the time Wil called, we decided that we’d just see him in the morning.

    Wednesday, Oct. 8th – Wedding Day

    We met Wil for brunch and then I sent the boys off for a few hours to explore the shops and such while I did my hair and got ready for our big day.  I noticed that it was getting a bit late in the afternoon and our cookie bouquet hadn’t been delivered yet.  So I called the store and inquired about it.  I was told that it was destroyed while on the delivery truck and that they could deliver a new one out to me the next morning.  Kind of defeats the purpose eh?  I was NOT happy about this at all!  BUT…I wasn’t going to let a little thing like that ruin the best day of my life.  So, I told them that was fine and that I would be in touch with a supervisor at a later date to discuss my compensation.

    When Jason and Wil returned, I explained the cookie situation.  Not a problem…Jason was too nervous to think about that.

    We got dressed, I grabbed my bouquet and out the door we went!

    We walked out the front door and waited for our limo.  As we stood there many people congratulated us and smiled. Then our limo arrived and we were on our way to the chapel.  Once we arrived, another couple was in the process of being married so we had to wait a few minutes for them to finish up.  Then it was our turn, so into the chapel we went.  The minister introduced himself and the photographer took tons of photos and Wil was very helpful and took photos as well.

    After the photos were done, the ceremony began.  The ceremony was short, but very well written…not the kind you’d expect for Vegas.  We said our ‘I Do’s'…exchanged our rings…kissed and pronounced husband and wife!! 

    We took a few more photos and then climbed back into the limo and went back to the hotel!  We had some drinks and then changed our clothes and went to dinner at Fellini’s.  The dinner was fabulous and the service was delightful.  We had food…champagne…and wonderful conversation!  It was perfect!

    After that, we stood outside one of the karaoke bars for a moment and listened to people embarrass themselves.  Then we decided to call it a night…Wil went back to his hotel and we went back to our room where we had another bottle of champagne awaiting us.  I won’t go any farther than that on events…I think you can figure out the rest on your own.

    I’ll give you the lodown on the rest of the trip later…but for now, I think that you’ve waited patiently enough…here are the photos!!

  • Post Surgery Update

    I had abdominal surgery a week ago.  The surgery was scheduled for one hour…it took 3.

    The good news is…they didn’t find a hernia or endometriosis!  The did however, find about a pound worth of damaged nerves and tissue.  The doc said that he had to go all the way to the abdominal wall to remove it all.  So, needless to say…I have a nice 5-6 in incision and am a bit swollen.

    In other words…I ain’t movin’ too fast!!

    Other than that…life is pretty wonderful for this recent newlywed!!  Jason and I are enjoying our married life very much!

    I haven’t yet been able to change all of my accounts and such over to my new name…I’m still waiting on that darn certified copy of the marriage certificate…BUT, I’m sure that it will be here soon.  You all know that I have NO patience! hehe

    Anyway, for those of you who would like to check out some of our wedding photos…you may visit this site OR just click on the bride and groom pic on the front page of my xanga site here.  Either will take you to our online wedding album.

    Hopefully, I will get a chance SOON to post all of the details…but until then, take care of yourselves and check out our photos.

  • Introducing…

    Mr. & Mrs. Jason O’Quinn

    Hello!!!  I know that this photo is already up on Jason’s site…BUT, I haven’t had a chance to upload the rest of them as of yet.  I will get to it soon I’m sure!

    Thank you all SO much for all of your wonderful and supportive comments!!  We had MUCH fun in Vegas and I will tell you all about it as soon as I get the chance.

    However, I have a TON of work that I need to catch up on and not a lot of time to do it in considering I go in for surgery in just 2 more days! YIKES!

    Take care and stand by for the Vegas Travel Log!

  • This is IT!!

    We leave for Vegas tomorrow morning!! 

    Our bags are packed and a dear friend of ours will be taking us to the airport at an ungodly hour in the morning!! 

    Tomorrow will be a very busy day…we will have to get Jason’s tux fitted and get our marriage license…and that’s all to be done before even checking in to the hotel!!

    (check in isn’t until 3pm)

    Then we shall check in…see some sights…and then greet Wil once he arrives that evening.  All that’s left after that is to get married! YAY!

    I can’t believe that it’s finally here…

    So, I’m now off to get ready to go to the salon and be pampered for a little while!!

    We will see you when we return!!!

    Have a wondeful week and thank you for your support and wonderful well wishes!

  • ~5 Days To Go~

    I can’t believe that we will be in Vegas in just 4 days!!!

    This is my last day of work and then I’m officially on VACATION!! YAY!

    Hmm…ya know though, this weekend is going to be a busy one getting everything washed and packed.  I told Jason that I want us to be packed (suitcase wise) by Sunday night.  That way we won’t have to have any last minute packing excursions.

    I plan on posting one last time before we leave…so Monday will be my last post before the wedding and then you won’t hear from me until we get back.  Hopefully with some lovely pics to accompany my first post as Mrs. O’Quinn!

    The photographer at the chapel is going to be taking 48 photos of us…so that’s a few right there and then we are also bringing Jason’s digital camera along with us and I bought a memory card for it so it will store over 200 photos on it alone.  I don’t think that we will be without any pictures of our time in Vegas do you? hehe

    Okay, well…I’m off to get some work done and I will visit you if I get a chance between now and Monday! 

    Have a wonderful weekend!!


  • I had to share this, it’s just so sad.

    These are NHL players for the Atlanta Thrashers…Dany Heatley was the overall 2nd round pick in 2000.  A very talented young man with a wonderful future ahead of him…I hope that he doesn’t wind up in jail because of this accident.


    Heatley charged; Snyder in coma  

      Thrashers wreckage
    Officers estimated the car was traveling about 80 mph.

    A season that held such promise for the Thrashers and their biggest star, Dany Heatley, has been tossed into chaos after a horrific car crash that has left teammate Dan Snyder in a coma and Heatley facing five driving-related charges. Snyder, 25, a native of Elmira, Ontario, remains in critical condition at Grady Memorial Hospital in downtown Atlanta after surgery for a depressed skull fracture suffered when he was ejected from the passenger seat of Heatley’s black 2002 Ferrari 360 Modena after it crashed at a high speed into a low, red brick lighting post late Sept. 29. The force of the collision, which took place on the opposite side of a narrow, winding road near Heatley’s home, disintegrated the back end of the luxury sports car.


  • Okay…I went to the surgeon’s office yesterday and got examined…again.  The good news is that he didn’t tell me that I’m crazy or that it’s all in my head or that he can’t do anything for me and that I will have to live like this…he actually said that he’s going to fix me.

    No, I didn’t stutter…he said he will FIX me!!

    So, on the Thursday after we get back from our honeymoon, I will be in surgery.  I’m relieved…excited…and nervous all at once.  But I’m thankful that I am finally having something done.

    ~7 Days

    Yup…just one week before the BIG DAY!!

    AND just 6 more days until we’re in Vegas…we are very VERY excited!!!