Month: March 2004

  • Anyone want to see a pic of my friend Eric???

  • Not What I’d Hoped to Report

    Still hurting a bit unfortunately.

    I’m trying to keep my spirits up and also am still trying to get into the doctor sooner than what I’m scheduled.  But I guess until then I will just have to take it easy.

    I don’t this…at all.  Not just the not knowing part, but the not being able to do things like I was just getting used to doing again.   No fair.

    There so much else going on right now as well, but I don’t have time to go over it all.

    Thank you all for your prayers and please continue to pray for me.  I appreciate it more than you know.

  • A Bit of Uncertainty

    So last weekend I was feeling energetic and was playin’ around with the kids.  Wrestling around to be more precise.   It’s the first time that I’ve been able (physically) to do that with them in over 5 years.  Dora, my oldest who weighs around 120lbs now, came down on my abdomen with all of her weight.  Can you say ouch? 

    Normally…a few years ago before the twins, that wouldn’t have bothered me one little bit, but considering I’ve had two abdominal surgeries in the last 6 months…it hurt…and has continued to hurt throughout the past few days.

    I called the doctors office yesterday to see if I could get into to see the doctor and make sure that I don’t have any real damage…and they can’t get me in until April 19th?!

    So I’ve been trying to “take it easy” the past couple of nights as to not aggravate the area and see if that will help.  I’m hoping that I’m just bruised or something simple like that and that it will heal rather quickly.  However, considering that I’ve been in a situation where pain was a daily occurance for almost 5 years of my life and it was all coming from my abdomen…well…umm…excuse while I freak out a little.  Ya know? 

    Anyway, the good news is that it seems to be getting better over the past couple of days since I’ve been resting a bit.  I’m going to continue to do the same over the weekend hoping that by Monday I will be pain free…in the meantime, I’ll just keep attempting to get into the doctor.

    So if you’d do me a little favor…I think it might make me feel a bit better…would you just say a little prayer for me?  

    I know that I’m probably overreacting about this…but for me, it’s scary to think that I might have to go through having that pain all of the time again when it took so long to finally get rid of it.

    Thanks you guys…

    I hope that each and every one of you has an incredible weekend and I’ll let you know how I’m doing by Monday.

  • Mostly Nonsense…

    So how have you all been doing eh?  I know, I’ve been popping in and out of Xanga from time to time…but without any consistancy.  I’ve been so busy at work…which is nothing new…and since the weather has been so warm lately, I’ve been busy with the kiddos as well.

    Speaking of the kids, they are on Spring Break this week, which they are estatic about…but my Mom isn’t considering that means that they are home during the day instead of at school.  I’ve told her to just send them all to the park…and she’s finally taken my advice.  Yesterday she shipped them off to the park and there they played for the majority of the day!  

    Hey…I figure, when I was a kid I used to take off in the morning and go play and do whatever and then come home whenever I was hungy…eat…and then off I’d go again until dinner time!  If it good enough for us…it’s good enough for them.  Besides, kids these days spend way too much time loafing around the house watching television and playing video games and not enough time outside running around being a kid.  And Americans wonder why we have obese children. DUH!!

    Anyway…March is supposed to be the snowiest month in Colorado…but not this year.  We’ve been in the upper 70′s for the most part since last week when we peaked at 80°!!  I enjoy the warm weather and it gives me a chance to get out and do things…but I’m concerned because we’re going into our fourth year here with a drought.   That’s not good at all.

    I guess I’ll just have to put some faith into Mother Nature eh? I mean, what else can we do?

    I hope that you are having a good week!! Just thought I’d check in.

    Happy Hump Day!

  • Have a great weekend!!!

    (it’s flippin’ 80° here today…can you believe that!?)

  • As most of you know…my job is quite demanding and I’m in charge of a great deal (i.e. safety, training, osha, dot, and now personnel).  However, the Controller at my office yesterday decided that he wanted me to take on inputting all the new employees into the payroll software.  Umm…I’m not payroll…hello?

    So I told him that I was not going to be doing that.  He said, “yes, starting today you are”.  I then looked at him and said, “Umm…NO, I’m not.  I don’t work for you and you do not have the authority to add to my job…so no, I’m not going to be doing payroll’s duties”.  He didn’t listen, apparently, because he just kept going on and telling me what I was “now going to do”.  So, I finally said, “Look here little man…which part of I don’t work for YOU did you not comprehend? I’m not going to be doing setup for new employees…it’s too time consuming and I don’t have time…so go away and leave me alone.”

    Well, that at least got him out of my office.   I then called my boss and asked him if he knew anything about this.  He said that he didn’t…but then we talked about whether or not this is something that I could use as leverage to get more money.   We decided however, that I just did not have the time to do it…no matter how we tried to arrange it.  So, unless they want to train my assistant to do the data entry and have me oversee it…I will not be having any part of it.

    So there loser…I told you that I wouldn’t be doing it.

    Some people just don’t take no for answer.

    Anyway…after that conversation, my boss talked to the President of the company and explained what had been stated by the Controller and what had been discussed between he and I…well, needless to say, the Controller was then called into the President’s office and ripped a new one for opening his big mouth about things that aren’t under his jurisdiction.  See…loser.

    It just amazes me how some people just think that they can do anything that they want…to anyone that they choose…but not me…nope, I’m done being a doormat thank you.  


    My first St. Patrick’s Day as on O’Quinn…I feel so official!!



  • Guess what????

    We’re going to Disney World!!!!

    Yes…oh yes…’tis true!  Jason and I (not including children) will be heading out to Disney World! Why without children you ask? Well…because we’ll be staying with a friend of mine from high school that works for Disney…and he can only get two of us in for free.  Have you looked lately as to how much it costs to go to Disney World?? OMG!  It’s extremely expensive!!  I wish that I had the money to afford to take all of my little ones there…but we don’t.

    See…the main reason for the visit is actually to see my friend that I haven’t seen in almost 12 years now…so, going to Disney World is just a bonus.  We’ll be flying out there on May 14th (a Friday) renting a car and driving up to Atlanta to see Jason’s Mom…then driving back to Orlando on Sunday…to spend the rest of the week with my friend and his girlfriend…and playing at Disney World.

    I’m looking forward to this very much!!  I can’t wait to see Eric (my friend)…let alone be able to go be a kid for a few days and not have to pay for it all!   Jason and I don’t get much time to do fun things for just the two of us…and since I’ve not been in constant pain…so this will truly be our first real vacation together!  Even on our honeymoon I was in pain most of the time and had to stop and rest a great deal…so I’m looking forward to being able to go have some “pain free” fun!!

    Sorry…I’m a bit excited and I’m sure that I’m just going to get more as excited as the time grows nearer!! 

    Eric is also beyond excited about our visit!  We’ve been emailing back and forth almost every day for the past few months trying to come up with a way and time for us to visit.  I’m just glad that it’s all worked out and that we are even going to be able to go to Atlanta for a day or so to visit Jason’s Mom who misses him terribly.  I talked with her yesterday for a few minutes and she is so thilled that we’re going to visit!  She says, “maybe it’s just because he’s my baby…but I miss him so much I can’t even begin to tell you”…awe.

    Anyway…that’s my news for today…back to work I go.

    I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!!  Mine was quite pleasant…and quiet.

  • Last word & the Weekend

    Well…Todd Bertuzzi has been suspended from the NHL for the rest of this season and the playoff season.   The NHL will determine before next season’s training camp if he will play next season.

    Todd gave a press conference the other day…stating how sorry he was for what ocurred.  I believe that he’s sorry for breaking Steve Moore’s neck…I don’t think that was intentional, but the hit that he put on him creating that injury…was.

    I know that anyone playing sports, especially a contact sport, expects to have some inuries and cheap shots ocur throughout the seasons…but I just don’t feel that blatant attacks belong in any sport…especially hockey.  The players are out there wearing blades on their feet batting away at a rubber puck with sticks held by gloves lined with metal.  Someone is bound to get hurt!  However, that is the exact reason as to why there isn’t room for this type of behavior…ya know?

    Anyway…I’ll get off of my  now.  I just wanted to clarify all of that.

    So…this week, like most other weeks of late, has been a busy one, however I finally got a chance to visit a few of your sites yesterday and it was a very nice change of pace for me.

    All of my kiddos are going to my ex’s house for the weekend  which means that I will get some much needed R & R…well, kind of.   My mom will be home tonight…and she wants me to go see The Passion of the Christ with her.  Not quite sure if I want to go to that with her…not that I don’t want to see it, just don’t know if it’s her that I want to see it with.  Get what I’m sayin?

    Outside of that, Jason has to work tonight…and then tomorrow night…so maybe…just maybe we’ll get some  alone time tomorrow.

    I hope that you all have a great weekend…and hopefully things will slow down a bit for me so that I can get back into the swing of things here on Xanga.


    severe rant ahead


    What happens when you have 1 THUG and 1 hockey player???










    the hockey player now has a severe concussion and a broken neck…

    the THUG…indefinite suspension and pending criminal investigation…


    things that make you go HMMMM…

    I saw this game and the incident above…let me tell you, what ocurred was NO accident!  Todd Bertuzzi came up from behind Steve Moore and gave him a right hook to the side of his head and then proceeded to grab him by his jersey and thrust him to the ice slamming his head directly into the ice.  Can you say malicious act?  This has now resulted into a criminal investigation.

    “Moore was a marked man in Vancouver after his open-ice hit in a February 16 game sidelined Canucks captain Markus Naslund. He fought Matt Cooke in the first period Monday before he was attacked from behind by Bertuzzi, who has been suspended by the NHL pending a hearing Wednesday in Toronto.”

    “The investigation is the result of several complaints that came from citizens,” police said in a statement. “The investigation will be a standard assault investigation. It will include interviewing everyone involved and gathering all available information.”

    According to mister Bertuzzi this was an accident and he was sorry that it happened.

    Umm…right…yeah, I totally believe that….NOT.

    I’m sorry…but a player purposely blind sides another player…it’s not an accident.  Challenging another player in hockey is a common affair…and expected.  Viciously attacking another player from behind is assault.  Plain and simple.

    I was listening to people on the radio this morning discussing this incident and one caller stated that “this is just all part of hockey…this IS hockey”…the caller who said that, obvioulsy doesn’t know a damn thing about hockey.  Yes, players do know that this is a dangerous sport…and expect to get injured at some point…and expect to have uncalled for hits put on them..but Moore had already had one fight with a Canuck player earlier in the game…and I’m sure that he thought that this so called “bounty” that had been put on him was ended with that fight…but apparently Todd Bertuzzi didn’t get that memo.

    I love hockey…I respect the game and the players, but I don’t see how this attack has a place in the game or how a player like Bertuzzi (who is a well known THUG across the league) has a place in this game either.  Steve Moore is young and has only played 69 games in the NHL…he now may have ended his career…is that fair?  I don’t think so…not when his career would be ending because of a stupid decision by a well known THUG.