Month: January 2005

  • I awoke this morning to find my back yard covered in snow…not to mention that it was still coming down.  The good thing about Colorado is…that when it snows like this, it’s usually gone in about a day.  It was that lovely wet snow that we need the moisture from so desperately…but melts away quite quickly. (thank God)

    Not a lot to report to you right now. I’ve been busy at work…as I’ve mentioned.  I’m going to start packing for my trip next week…more than likely tonight.  I’m excited about the trip and I think some time away from it all (and to myself) may do me some good.  

    I probably won’t be able to post while I’m in Florida…so I’ll ask Jason to update you in my absense.

    Well, back to work for me.  I will try to visit you all sometime today or tomorrow.  Have a great week!

  • So…as most of you know I’m going to Orlando, FL soon to see my best friend’s (Eric) new baby girl (and my goddaughter) Baylie next month.  I leave on the 9th and return on the 16th.  I’m very excited about seeing Eric and the baby!! However, I’m sad about not being with my hubby on Valentine’s Day.  I bought him a card and he bought me one…we’re going to exchange them before I leave…but not open them until Valentine’s Day.  At least that way we’ll still have something from one another even though we’re states a part.

    Eric is trying to arrange time to spend with me while I’m down there…considering he had to use up vacation time for the birth of the baby and all…he’s having to work while I’m there.  We’ll figure it out though…even if I have to take a bus over to the appartment to see Baylie…I can do that.  Or…he can just drop her off to me at the hotel…I’ll gladly babysit!!

    He said that he doesn’t want to “impose”. LOL…hell, I’m going down there to spend time with my goddaughter…there is no imposition.  Men are silly!  He’s sweet though…he’s always thinking of my feelings.

    I do feel bad being gone over Valentine’s Day.  I will miss my hubby madly while I’m gone…but even more so on that day. Sorry baby.

  • I will return (no really) as soon as things settle down for me.

    Life is just too damn BUSY right now!

  • A Bit of Bragging Rights

    Jason came home the other night after shopping…he called me out to the car (I figured to help bring in groceries ) and in the trunk of his car was a huge bouquet of red roses…two dozen to be exact!!  He handed them to me.  I said, “for me?” He smiled and replied, “Yes”.  This left me wondering what I did to deserve these…then I wondered what he wanted.

    I asked him these questions…he told me that he got them for me just because he loves me.  Awe.

  • Not much time today…so I’ll just say that date night was wonderful and I enjoyed spending time with my hubby this weekend very much!!   I’ve posted a review for White Noise in my review section.

    Have a great Monday!

  • I can’t believe that I haven’t had time to post since Monday!! Geeze…I knew this week was hectic but I didn’t think that it would be that damn busy.   Well… TGIF huh?

    Well…outside of things being beyond hectic at work this week, I’m doing OK.  I got my flight booked today to go down to Orlando to see Eric and his new baby girl.  I’m very excited to meet her!  Let’s see…and the kiddos went back to school on Tuesday (thank God for small favors huh).  Cotton had her follow-up visit and is doing wonderfully (she also got a bath on Tuesday evening after getting into a candy cane…candy and white fur don’t mix btw). 

    Oh yes…and tonight….well, tonight is date night!!  That means that we have no children this weekend and Jason and I are finally getting a night out together.  woohoo!!!!!   So he’s taking me out to dinner and a movie.  We’re going to see White Noise…this should be good.   I’ll post a review on it for ya.

    Plans for the weekend?  Well…I’m going to get my oil changed on my car…go out to lunch with a friend…watch some football with my love…and hopefully get my holiday decorations taken down and put away.   That’s the agenda for this weekend…it’s not too much…but it’s more than I normally plan (outside of housework that is).  Oh yes…and for those of you wondering…I’m feeling better today.  Thanks again for all of the well wishes…they are much appreciated.

    Okay…that’s pretty much it for an update.  I have few more things to do here at work…so I’m off like a prom dress!  Have a great weekend!!

  • Have I told you all lately how much you all mean to me?  You mean a great deal!  Thank you so very much for your input and concern in regards to the gastric bypass surgery.  Don’t worry, this is not something that I would do hastily.  I’m still researching it and I’m not through asking questions by any means…besides, I still need to find out if it’s even something that my insurance will cover at all.  If it’s not, I may not be financially able to have it done even if I chose to go that route.

    I appreciate the links to people here on Xanga who’ve had the surgery, I know of both of the persons that were referenced…and have talked to one of them about this topic before…but I still appreciate you giving me outlets for information!  Also thank you to those who’ve shared your knowledge…it’s great to have that feedback.

    Like I’ve already stated, this isn’t something that I would do in haste and believe me…if my health weren’t an issue I wouldn’t consider surgery.  I’ve had to have many operations in my life and none of them were pleasant.  I’m not fond of having surgery for things that aren’t “necessary”…so this is a big decision for me.  But it’s one that’s been weighing heavily on mind for quite some time now and I’m almost out of options.  I’m going to continue to find out more information and see what (if any) other options I may have…and I will let you know what I find out.

    Okay…with all of that said.  I’m feeling better today.  I’m still coughing a bit…but not as bad as I was last week.  I stayed in bed most of the weekend…aside from doing a couple loads of laundry.  Hey, I’m a mom remember?  Anyway, my Jason was in bed ALL weekend…and most of it running a fever over 101°.   He’s been sick to his stomach and has eaten hardly a thing. I hope he’s feeling better today.  He said that he felt a little better this morning before I’d left for work…but he hadn’t gotten out of bed yet so…

    Well…as usual I have a TON of work to do…so I should be going.  However…I will leave you with a few more pics of my best friend Eric’s new baby daughter…Baylie.


    isn’t it funny how they have the same expression on their faces? hehe

  • Thank you all for you well wishes! You are very sweet to me.  I’m feeling a little bit better…but still coughing a great deal and my chest hurts quite a bit from coughing so much.  I only have one more day of antibiotics left…so I hope that I don’t get worse instead of better over the weekend.  If I’m not feeling up to par still on Monday, I’ll go back to the doctor.  The last thing I want is for this to elevate to pneumonia.

    Other than that…I’ve been working…or at least trying to.  I’m behind as it is…but after having to leave early on Monday to go to the doctors and then being gone on Wednesday and leaving early yesterday (the President told me to go home)…I’m still behind.  The good thing is that they’ve hired a temp to come help me over the next two weeks with my filing and such…that will help out a great deal!  Also, I found out yesterday that instead of hiring me a new assistant, they’ve decided to have Regina (a dear friend of mine that currently handles payroll and accounts payable for the company) to only do payroll and benefits.  They’ve hired a new full time accounts payable clerk and that means that Regina will be moving into my office to be my new assistant!!

    I think that is the best damn idea that they’ve had yet!  We work very well together and do things the same way…so this ought to work out just wonderfully!  No more of either of us having to constantly go to each other’s offices (which are currently on the opposite ends of the building) to go over things and exchange paperwork!  Finally…a good decision made by the management of my company! 

    In other news…completely unrelated to all of the above.  I’ve been doing a great deal of research this past year on gastric bypass surgery.  My doctor mentioned it to me last year as an option (more like a last resort) if we were unable to get my hypothyroidism under control.  So since that time, I’ve been giving this a great deal of thought because even after almost thirty years of being on medication for hypothyroidism…I still am unable to lose weight effectively, no matter what I do.  The more I’ve researched morbid obesity (which is anyone who’s BMI is over 40…mine is 54.1)…the more signs I recognize in myself.  Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that can sometimes be controlled by medication…but there are some cases that cannot.  I’ve been overweight my entire life and have had many medical conditions.  I was born with pneumonia which weakened my heart over the years after having relapses for eighteen years straight.  Due to this, I almost had a stroke having my first child…but I chose to have her anyway.  I’m not diabetic (thank God)…but I’ve had many problems with high blood pressure, hypoglicemia, depression, stomach ulcers (also acid reflux) & something that my cardiologists have referred to as “petite coronaries”.  These are all items that I’ve seen related to being morbidly obese.

    I‘m going to check with my insurance and see if this procedure is covered and then speak to my doctor again about it. I’m sure that to some people this seems a bit drastic, however…I must look at this from a logical standpoint.  I have some health issues that potentially could become life threatening if I’m not careful and they all are related to being morbidly obese.  I’ve tried everything that I know of to be healthy and have recently been able to keep my blood pressure stable without medication…but the other items all still concern me a great deal.  I want to be here for my family and I want to be healthy and the only way that I believe that’s going to happen is if I have this surgery.  Many variations of this surgery are now available and I’m curious to see which one would be recommended for me.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see…and in the meantime, I’m going to contact my insurance and get some questions answered.

  • Good News…Bad News

    Unfortunately, I have severe bronchitis.  Although better than pneumonia…it’s still pretty damn bad.  When I arrived at the doctor’s office yesterday, he checked my breathing and listened to my cough…and then told me to sit tight a moment as he left the room.  When he returned, he was holding a breathing apparatus that measures your lung usage and power…needless to say, my lung capacity is extremely low at the moment.  He said that I’m only using 20% of my lung capacity in each lung…that’s not good.  So then he left the room again and came back with an oxygen gage to check my levels…umm…50% isn’t good either.  He then put me on oxygen for about 15 minutes and told me that I have a pretty severe case of bronchitis and that he was concerned because of my history of pneumonia…yeah, well…me too.

    Anyway…he put me on a new drug called Ketec and I hope it works quickly because my chest hurts and I can’t breathe worth a damn!

    On a different note… I received an email from my ex’s mom yesterday regarding his niece’s wedding next month.  The email “informed me” that J (the niece) would like to have Dora, Corin & Jonah in her wedding.  Okay…I don’t have a problem with that…but then I was “informed” that they would “let me know how much the outfits cost” so that I could “take care of it”.  Umm…well, I’ve been married a couple of times so I do know proper wedding etiquette…but considering first of all…J never asked Dora personally if she’s like to be in the wedding nor did she bother to call me to ask.  I don’t have a problem covering Dora’s dress…but I think that it’s only proper that my ex pays for the other outfits.  My ex has stated that he will take care of the little ones’ outfits…which I appreciate.  It just irked me a bit about the way all of this came about.  However, I suppose that some people just don’t know any better huh?

    Well…I suppose that I should get back to work.  I’m really behind now that I’ve been off for a week and had to leave early to go to the doctor.  I wish that I didn’t even have to come in today…my chest and lungs hurt so friggin’ bad right now.

  • My best friend Eric and his wife Kippie had their baby on New Year’s Day!!!

    She is just too darn cute huh?  Look at all of that black hair!!  I’m so happy for them!!  She’s a bit early (the original due date was 1/26/05) but there were some complications and an emergency c-section had to be done.  Mommy and baby are just fine though…and here are the baby’s stats:

    Name:    Baylie Marline Shelton

    Born:  Saturday, January 1, 2005

    Time:   8:05pm

    Weight:   6lbs  13oz

    Length:  22.75 inches

    Needless to say, Eric is a very proud daddy right now and I couldn’t think of a better way to ring in the New Year!! 


    In other news…Cotton is doing fine after her surgery.  Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes.   She is NOT a good patient though …and she is quite the mommy’s girl let me tell you.

    I‘ve developed a nasty congestion in my lungs and am going to the doctor today to find out if I have bronchitis or pneumonia…I’m hoping bronchitis because I was born with pneumonia and have dealt with is most of my life and I don’t feel like making numerous trips to the hospital to have my lungs drained as I’ve had to do in past years.  So think positive thoughts for me okay.

    Other than that…I hope that you all had a wonderful New Year’s!!  Jason and I stayed home…but enjoyed our time together very much.   Unfortunatly I know that not everyone had the same experience…especially all of those people in Asia that are dealing with such tragedy and loss during this time…it’s so sad.  My heart goes out to them all…