Month: February 2006

  • Frustration sets in…

    I went to see the doc this morning and was a bit nervous to begin with.  However, my nervousness turned to sadness after talking with him.  It’s not that he refused to write a letter of recommendation for the surgery…no, in fact he told me to contact my insurance and have them forward the forms that they need completed to his office along with a list of what they perceive to be “comorbidities”.  My doctor is wonderful…he is notthe cause of my frustration.  This whole thing is.

    It’s kind of a “catch 22″ really.  In order to be eligible for surgery coverage my insurance states that one must have at least 2 comorbidities and a BMI over 40 (100 lbs or more overweight).  However, one must also be healthy enough to have the surgery to begin with which means that the patient must have all health issues under control.  My blood pressure was high this morning and it hasn’t been in the past 6 months…however the medication that I’m currently on causes high blood pressure.  I have a history of many comorbidities from high blood pressure (hypertension) to borderline diabetic to hypothyroidism, however my doc feels that I don’t qualify now as having all of those.  My hypertension has been under control the past 6 months and I’ve never taken medication for it in the past.  My glucose levels were fine last time I tested so that means that diabetes isn’t a item either.  I’ve been on thyroid medication for YEARS for my hypothyroidism and my levels have fluctuated something fierce this past year but are now under control as well.

    I’m upset because I have a feeling that now these items are controlled that it will put me as someone who does not meet the requirements for the surgery because the comobidities are not a threat at the moment and therefore technically aren’t comorbidities.  Does that make sense?

    Anyway…it all boils down to the fact that I don’t think that I’m going to be approved.  I hope I’m wrong and I’m still going to try…but I’m just not optimistic at this point.

    I think all of that combined with the fact that I work for a company with a warped sense of reality probably has caused my stress level to increase just a bit…well, enough to raise my blood pressure anyway.  I just have a f*idiot for a boss who likes to control everything…and I do mean EVERY aspect of what I do.  He drives me beyond crazy…I just can’t even put it into words how much I loathe this man.  I’ve never had feelings toward another human being the way I do for him.

    I worked from home last Monday because I had 2 sick kiddos at home, both of which are way too young to leave home alone.  So instead of putting others in a bind and causing issues I worked from home.  I took care of what I had to in order for people to get paid properly and for others to get the information that they’d requested for their employees.

    Last Friday I got a call from my boss throwing a temper tantrum demanding to know “who” gave me “permission” to work from home on Monday.  Wow…that’s a lot of thanks isn’t it?  It’s not like I had any physical records at home or anything like that…everything is on a secure server through our office (whcih was setup by our IT person) and isn’t located anywhere else.  Also I have SO many logins to access records…he doesn’t even have access to the security level that I do!

    I told him that there were things that needed to be done and I was not able to leave the house to come into the office to take care of these items so I did what I needed to do so that the employees were taken care of so that payroll could be processed correctly for the week.  He told me that I “wasn’t allowed” to do that unless I had “preauthorization” from him to work from home.  He doesn’t even know what I do…he’s a safety guy and I take care of Personnel for the company.  He doesn’t get it…at all.

    Anyway…so I told him that was fine with me.  The next time that my kids get sick at 3am on a Monday morning that I will make damn sure to call him and get “preauthorization” to work from home.


  • Happy Valentines Day!

  • Well…I was informed yesterday by my ex-husband that he has withdrawn his petition for the right to claim the kids on his income tax.   **does happy dance** He even gave me permission to file my taxes…little does he know that I had already filed.


    That helps relieve a bit of stress.  I hurt my back the other day…doing some home improvement type stuff.  I didn’t even realize until the next day that I did something bad.   However, it’s gradually getting better…very gradually.


    I had to reschedule my doctor’s appointment yesterday for 2/20 (a week later than previously scheduled) because my doctor will be out of town.   That figures…but it’s only a week later so that’s not too bad.


    Thank you all for your support and well wishes!  I know that I can always count on my Xanga family to be there for me…even when I’ve been gone for a long time.


    I appreciate it more than I can express to you.


    Well…back to work for me.  Have a wonderful humpday and hopefully I’ll get a chance to visit some of you soon.

  • Well, it’s certainly been a long time since I’ve posted here hasn’t it? 

    An update…

    Christmas was nice and I even got a new tree this year.   I had a fiber optic one, but unfortunately the kids burned out the motor from leaving it on so much last year. But the new tree is beautiful!

    I’ve been to the doctor a couple of times since I last updated you all.  This last time he sent me into a dietician to have an evaluation done.  She was nice…a little odd, but nice.  He also put me on Meridia (another diet medication)…the approval for that medication took about 3 weeks by my insurance…but they did approve it.  I don’t really see a difference being on this medication either though.   Oh well, the doctor has already stated that on my next visit (2/13) that he will write the letter of recommendation for me to have the weight loss surgery.

    I’m now looking forward to really getting the ball rolling on this whole thing.  I hate waiting…I have absolutely NO patience, so as you can imagine, I’m not handling this whole waiting game very well and I know that there’s a lot of more of that to come.  Hopefully though, I will be able to have my surgery before Jason’s birthday in April…that would be wonderful, but if not…then I guess that I will just have to wait my turn.

    Other than that…everything has been pretty calm, well…until this last week anyway.  Jason is still awaiting his teaching license…all has been submitted, just waiting for approval.  That’s not the main thing I was referring to though.  Oh no…this one got my blood pressure sky rocketing!

    My ex-husband decided the other day that he wants to be allowed to claim our 3 children on his income taxes, so he’s petitioned the court to do so.  Now mind you, the children reside with me and I have custody of them.  He pays child support…but it’s not even enough to cover my weekly grocery bill, let alone actually help support the kids beyond that.  I provide all medical and dental coverage for them along with life insurance.  Jason and I also pay for ALL other necessities for them (i.e. school fee & supplies, clothes – which aren’t cheap, etc.).  I’ve never taken him back to court to raise the amount of child support because well…that’s just not what I’m about.  He hasn’t had any easy go of it financially…well, but neither have we.  He decided a couple of years ago to take it upon himself to claim 2 of our three kids on his income tax and I think now he’s paying for it. 

    Our divorce decree states that I am the sole custodian of the children and that I’m the ONLY one allowed to claim them on my income tax.  They reside with me and visit him on the weekends…well, most of the time anyway.  He has them about 28% of the year and I have them the rest of the time.  Now he’s trying to claim that he has them more than that and pays out more than 50% of their financial support…which is BS.  It’s impossible, not with the little amount that he pays in child support.

    Anyway, I had to file a response yesterday morning.  I’m sure that the court will dismiss the whole thing considering the evidence that I provided in my response.  That’s not even the point though…the point is that when I asked him about this whole thing he flat out admitted to me that he just wants the money!!

    It has nothing to do with the children at all…he says that he’s “sick of drowning in debt…not being able to pay bills”.  Well, I’m very sorry…but that’s not my problem and I’m most certainly not going to allow him to take the money that I’ve rightfully earned to pay off his debt.  Hell, I’m still paying off the debt that he accrued on my credit cards while we were married! 

    Oh…and it gets better.  He didn’t just ask the court if he could claim the kids…he wants to do it biannually starting as of 2005 tax period.  Yup…he’s totally trying to screw me.  I’ve claimed the kids ALL this last year because, well…I’m entitled to and he knows that.  If her were allowed to claim them now before filing last year’s taxes…I would be paying out the ass!!

    He also told me that he’s not trying to start a war or create problems for me.  Yeah right!!  Whatever…tell it to someone who believes you.

    Outside of that…things have been just fine.   How are all of you?