Month: September 2006

  • Mind? What mind??

    Have I mentioned in the past that I’m not exactly a morning person?? No? Hmm…maybe I should’ve.

    I usually do pretty well in the mornings…you know, getting everyone fed, lunches made, getting people dressed, making sure Jason didn’t forget anything…and getting little ones on the bus. BUT, every once in a while I lose a bit of patience with the above mentioned people…especially when I’m having to deal with WHINING and CRYING for NO apparent reason! ugh!!

    My main reason for losing patience when this occurs is always for the obvious reason…usually it’s because Caleb will lose his little mind and beat the living hell out of whatever “blonde child” (aka Jonah or Corin) that is causing the uproar. This morning was no different, with the exception of me losing my mind in the process of all of this. I wrestled Caleb up and brought him back downstairs to the kitchen to finish his breakfast and thankfully was able to calm him rather quickly. Luckily my mom was around this morning and was able to sit with him while I dealt with Corin on my own. The entire fit that she was throwing was over the fact that she came home from a long weekend at her dad’s house wearing visably dirty jeans and hadn’t bathed. I told her that she didn’t have time to bathe this morning and that we’d have to “spot wash” her and that she would take a bath when she got home…BUT she needed to change her clothes because I wasn’t about to send her to school looking like she’d just got home from a day of mud wrestling!

    She threw a massive fit because she didn’t have any other jeans that were clean and would have to wear shorts…and she didn’t want to wear shorts. OY!! Needless to say, I helped her get dressed and cleaned her up and pulled her hair into a ponytail…with her persistant crying and whining. I don’t perform well under these circumstances. I explained to her that if she needs something washed that she needs to bring it to the laundry room and “let me know” that it’s there and she needs it washed for school. Not a difficult task I’d say…but apparently it seemed that way to her because she continued to lose her little mind after I mentioned this!

    Some days…I think that working 40 hrs a week was better than this…not that I’m not going back to work, but some days I’d like to go back sooner!!

    Well…after stating all of that, I have laundry to do. I hope you are all having a better day than mine has started out at.