Month: September 2009

  • Define psychotic

    First off…I want you all to know that I haven’t forgotten you, or my blog here…but I tell you what, time isn’t of abundance in my life!  I attended my 6 week post-op appointment last Friday (after having to reschedule due to some over-anxious babies being born).  The doc says that I’m not only doing extremely well, but I’m completely fixed.  Really?  That doesn’t seem real to me.  Somehow, after striving all these years to be “pain free”, to actually have accomplished this goal seems so surreal.  Not that I’m ungrateful mind you, but just still in shock I think.

    I feel great to be honest and am feeling stronger all of the time.  The doc lifted all restrictions in our meeting and then warned me to not jump back into life too quickly!  She told me that I should start “easing back in to a normal routine”.  Well, you know me…yeah, I jump!  I’m trying really hard to be more conscious in regards to this, but that’s pretty difficult for me as I’ve always been one to just get things done and no dilly-dally about.

    As wonderful as the news was and is, it was skewed a bit by the actions of another when my ex decided to make comment toward me on his public website.  This is not the first time that he and his wife have made crude remarks on my behalf since they married in 2005.  However, it’s one thing for the wife to do so, but it’s quite another when the father of my three youngest children does it! 

    Now what could he have said about me that could possibly be so upsetting?  Well, he stated that I was “psychotic”.  Yup, me…psychotic.  I’ve been called many things in my life, however up to this point that term had not been used (to my knowledge) in regards to me.  My first reaction when I viewed this comment was that I didn’t want my children to see this, but then I changed my mind.  My youngest daughter is almost twelve and I think that she has a right to know the type of things that he dad is saying about her mother when she’s not around or he thinks no one is reading.  She was not pleased when I told her of this and even less so was my oldest daughter (now seventeen).  She went so far as to post a comment asking him, “So since when is my mother psychotic?”.   Of course by this point he’d deleted his comment, but he still responded to her by stating something to the effect of since he was angry and it was a long time ago and he deleted it because it wasn’t nice (btw, a long time ago was 2/13/09).  Whatever.

    I would be lying to say that him saying this about me didn’t hurt my feelings, so I won’t.  It does.  I’ve known him since we were teenagers and we were very good friends before we ever started dating.  I’ve tried very hard, since our divorce, to be more than just cordial with him.  In fact, Jason has been telling me for years that I’m entirely too nice when it comes to dealing with him.  I guess that’s pretty accurate, but it’s only been because I don’t want the children to get caught up in any more drama than necessary.  Unlike their father, I’ve done nothing but put them first in every decision I’ve made over the years.  Jason will be the first to tell you that he plays second fiddle in regards to those kids, but he was warned up front that this would be the case. 

    I guess that it’s true that you just never really know someone as well as you think you do.  That’s unfortunate.

    I do, however, believe that before using a term to describe another person that one should first know the full definition of the word they are using.  Also, one should also take a very close look at oneself, and their spouse for that matter, before going so far as to insult another, especially in a public forum.  Just saying.