Month: December 2003

  • A sad return…

    I’ve been gone from Xanga since Christmas Eve…but when I returned today I found that one of our own is in a coma.   Most of you know her as Wickgal, some know her as Donna…but she is also known as friend to a great many here at Xanga.  She needs prayer right now…badly.  Please pray for her and keep her in your thoughts.


    On a brighter note…

    Well…Jason and I finally got to see LOTR – Return of the King on Christmas and it was incredible!! It was everything that I expected and more…a totally amazing accomplishment!

    If you haven’t seen it…RUNdon’t walk to the theater!!

    Well, I probably won’t post again until the New Year…so please have a wonderful and safe New Year’s celebration!!

    And let me know what you did to celebrate…ok

  • A few words on Christmas…

    This is our first Christmas together as husband and wife…and I’m excited about that, very excited.

    We didn’t have much money to spend this year…but it’s OK.  I already have the one gift that I’ve longed to have…his heart.

    This coming Thursday we will celebrate the birth of our Savior…and remember those dearest to our hearts.  It’s not about presents under the tree…it’s about love…it’s always been about love.  God loved us so much that he gave us His Son…a baby…born unto a young girl who had enough faith for all of us. Yes, it’s about love…

    We were able to purchase one gift for each of our children and family members this year…we even wound up with just enough to buy each other a gift….but I’m most thankful that I have the love of my life here with me to share this holiday.

    I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for the wonderful comments and compliments that you’ve given me.

    I’m looking forward to Christmas…and spending some time with my family.  I don’t have that many family members left on this earth…so I cherish the ones that I do have here.

    I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a joyous celebration!!

  • New Office…

    Well, my new desk has been built in my new office. (YAY)  However, their are a few things that still need to be installed…like shelving…and an electrical outlet…BUT, for the most part…it’s done!

    I’ll be very busy today and tomorrow moving everything from my old desk over to the new one…and cleaning up all of the sawdust that the builders left behind that has now made it’s way all over the safety office.

    I’m sorry that I haven’t had much time to visit all of you lately…but thank you all so much for all of your support and wonderful comments that you’ve left…especially in regards to the investigation that we had here at work.  You all are too sweet!

    I would also like to say hello my new subscribers (you kow who you are )…thanks for subbin’ and I hope that you like it here!

  • The Inspection…

    Well…the “safety guys” showed up a wee bit earlier than expected yesterday…like 3 hours earlier, but I was as prepared as I was going to be…so no biggie.

    Once they arrived, my boss and the president of the company had a meeting with the “safety guys” in the conference room…without me of course.  Then they finally came into my office right before lunch and introduced me to the “safety guys“…saying that I was the most important person in the safety dept. (well duh)…and calling me the “brains behind it all“.  Yeah…they stated the obvious…but I felt a bit of sarcasm involved and didn’t appreciate that much.

    Anyway, after lunch the “safety guys” came back to my office and asked me to show them my files…so I pulled out a file to show them.  Then my boss told me to explain to them what forms went in what section and why…etc.  So I did just that…they ONLY looked at that ONE file…after seeing it, they glanced at the other files and I told them that they were all identical…they decided that they didn’t need to see them at all.

    They stated that I do, however, need to go to all of the other subsidiaries and teach them how to do proper record keeping…and then noted that we haven’t been audited by the Dept. of Labor because my files are “better well kept then theirs are“.  Probably so…but I wouldn’t have actually have stated it.

    Anyway…they talked with me for a while and I explained our Apprenticeship Programs to them…and what all I do in the dept.  They were quite impressed with how I run things here…and stated so many times.  They also acknowledged the fact that they are quite well aware that it is I who runs things…not my boss.  They then asked me how I manage to do it all…and I replied that I bust my ass.

    They were shocked to learn that I do ALL of the grading for both Apprenticeship Programs AND the training courses…not to mention that I’ve written most of the training courses and tests.  They then inquired about where I rank salary wise in comparison to my so-called “equals” in the other companies…and they were even more shocked when they found out that I’m paid as an equivalant to those who do only a portion of what I do.

    They stated that THAT would be rectified in the oncoming year…(I’ll believe it when I see it on my direct deposit slip)…and then they were even MORE shocked to learn that I haven’t received a raise in over 3 years.  At that point, the president of safety stated that he wants to be conferenced in on my next evaluation…and that he has a few things that he’d like to say.  That’s fine with me…it’s about time that someone realized what all I do around here.

    All in all…it turned out turned out very well.  I got some recognition…which is nice, but like I said…I’ll believe the promises when they are in black & white and in my checking account.

  • Baking done…check

    Well…I baked over 2 dozen batches of cookies this last weekend and got the lights all up outside…I replaced all of the light bulbs in the outside lamp posts and porch lights…and umm…well, I’m tired as hell!

    Jason and I went out for brunch on Saturday and then hit a couple of stores.  We wound up arguing about stupid stuff on and off the whole time.  Totally not like us at ALL!  I felt so bad when we finally got home that I just broke down and cried.   He was upset as well and we both wound up just saying I’m sorry for everything…and then of course had make-up sex…but isn’t that what you’re supposed to do after arguing?

    Anyway…I have a TON of work to do today…so, I can’t stay long.  The head Safety guys from our parent company are coming in tomorrow to inspect all of my files. (YIKES)  So…I have some last minute adjustments to make before they get here!

    Have a wonderful Monday…hopefully I’ll get to visit later this week!

  • Weekend Plans

    Friday night…

    1. Send off the children to thier Dad’s for the weekend

    2. Sit on butt and watch some Hockey

    3. Think of something to eat for dinner

    4. Watch more hockey  

    5. Decide to just go to bed early and say the hell with dinner


    1. Get up…make some breakfast

    2. Bake some cookies

    3. Take a trip to the hardware store to get colored bulbs for the outdoor porch lights

    4. Come home…bake some more cookies

    5. Watch more hockey

    6. Get ready for Company Holiday Party

    7. Go to party…eat…drink… 

    8. Have Jason drive me home 

    9. Pass out in bed


    1. Get up …make breakfast..

    2. Watch football

    3. Bake even more goodies  


    So…what do you have planned for this weekend??

  • A survey…for a change…

    I totally swiped this…but I don’t think that’s a problem.

    1. Apples or Oranges?   Apples

    2. Do you wear interesting underwear? umm…maybe, ask Jason

    3. Boxers or briefs?   I like both on him

    4. Do you believe in God (the conventional sense here)? YES
    5. Do you pray? Yes

    6. How often? Sometimes several times a day…but usually at least once a day …it depends on how much is needed

    7. Do you trust people easily? Not usually

    8. Are you worthy of others’ trust? Yes

    9. If you had to have one or the other in your spouse, would it be a great sense of humor or a powerful intellect? I got both…I was lucky

    10. Is sex without love ok? Sure…but then it is just that…just sex

    11. Apples or Oranges? ah heck…I like variety…Oranges

    12. How many pillows do you make physical contact with while you sleep? 1
    13. Do you remember your dreams? Usually

    14. What is your favorite nickname/pet name that someone else has called you? Darlin’…and only one calls me that

    15. Romance novels or soft-core porn? hmm…I get plenty of romance from Jason

    16. Hard core porn? wouldn’t ever do it …oh, you mean watch it?

    17. With whom are you the most shy? me?  shy?  is this a trick question?

    18. Art or science? for me…art

    19. Paintings or sculpture? I like both
    20. Who is your favorite author? Stephen King

    21. What is your greatest fear? Failing the ones I love

    22. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned thus far? That love does come to those who wait

    23. What adults, other than those in your family, have had the biggest impact on your personality? My high school band director…Peter…and Jason

    24. Do you like yourself? Yes…for the most part

    25. If you could trade bodies with anyone in the world, who would it be? hmm…I don’t know…but if I did, I think that Jason might get a bit upset with me

    26. What do you do to comfort yourself? Sing…pray

    27. Why do you listen to music? It’s my passion

    28. Do you like dancing? Yes

    29. What is the most important change you are making in your life right now? getting healthy again after being in pain for so many years

    30. Can you keep secrets? Do you? I can…but I don’t particularly like to…unless it’s necessary

    31. How old were you for your first kiss? I was 12

    32. Was it a good one? umm…not really
    33. Alcohol or marijuana? (Don’t say neither. Give an answer and explain how you mean it.) Well…at least alcohol is legal.  However, as a child of an alcoholic, please drink responsibly…don’t abuse it.

    34. What was your favorite story when you were little? The Cat in the Hat

    35. Favorite movie when you were little? I had 3…Grease, Wizard of OZ, & Sound of Music

    36. Favorite story now? Romeo & Juliet

    37. Favorite movie now? I don’t have A favorite…I have many

    38. Are you good at apologizing? I think so…I don’t have a problem with admitting I’m wrong…really I don’t

    39. If you were on a plane right now, and it was crashing, who would you want in the seat next to you? someone that I didn’t know…I wouldn’t want my loved ones to go down with me

    40. What would you tell him/her? I would tell him/her that soon we will be in paradise

    41. Who was the last person you thought about while trying to decide what to wear? Jason

    42. What is more likely to make you cry, a song or a movie? I cry at commercials …umm…both

    43. Which was the last of the above to do so? a song

    44. Give us the kids breakdown. How many you want, when, how many of each sex, names, anything you’ve already thought about. Well…I already have four…Dora Elyse – 11; Corin Grace – 6; Jonah Gabriel – 4 1/2; & Caleb Nathaniel – 4 1/2.  I know that Jason would love to someday have another…but, unfortunately I may never be able to do so physically.

    45. What is the best sport? Hockey of course!!!

    46. What is the best game? *See above*  …it is the coolest game on earth!

    47. On girls, long hair or short? Personally…I like long hair, but it’s up to the individual

    48. Would you rather be blind or deaf? umm…neither

    49. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water? definitely fly
    50. What is the most unattractive thing a member of the opposite sex could do? be dishonest

    51. The most attractive? Be honest…heartfelt…be true to himself & others

    52. Who in your life perceives you in the most flattering way? Jason

    53. Who would you like to have speak at your funeral? My children…and I hope that I never have to speak at any of theirs

  • Dumb Drivers…

    Oh yes…dumb drivers…and I do mean DUMB!!

    Some people in this world just aren’t aware that when you let your foot off of the gas pedal…an amazing thing happens…you SLOW down!! 

    Noooo…they think that the ONLY way that you can slow down a vehicle is to slam on the brakes.  Now, I don’t personally have anything against Coloradans…except maybe for the lack of driving skills in winter weather conditions. 

    Here’s a hint When the roads are snow and ice packed…do NOTI repeatDO NOT slam on your frickin’ breaks!!!

    I’m sorry…but I have NO patience for idiots (obviously eh?)…let alone idiots in dangerous weather.  I grew up in Michigan…so I’ve seen PLENTY of snow over the years and have had my fair share of driving in those conditions…but the people out here…man, someone should either send them back to driver’s ed…or take away their driving rights during winter conditions.  I mean…these people are dangerous!

    People don’t realize that if you slam on your brakes when driving on snow & ice packed roads you tend to slide…and wind up doing donuts in the middle of the frickin’ highway.  And they wonder why they have so many accidents here? hmm…gee…I wonder

    Sorry guys…but c’mon…I live about 20 minutes away from where I work (in good weather)…but last night, it took me over an hour and a half to get home…I didn’t even take my car out of neutral for over 45 minutes of that so called drive (IF that’s what you want to call it considering we weren’t even going fast enough for it to register on my speedometer).  I went faster on the highway where the roads were a bit icy, than I did once I got off of the highway where the roads were mostly clear…but there were so many idiots out there that we weren’t moving at all…either because they think that if they slam on the gas that they’ll actually move on mushy snow packed roads…OR if they have a 4×4 or AWD vehicle that it makes them invincible…OR they are driving the worst piece of sh*t that hasn’t been winterized in it’s entire lifetime and they expect it to move in those conditions!

    And you all thought that I was a nice sweet woman eh? LOL

    I just have no patience for people who do really stupid things.  I’m not saying that everyone isn’t entitled to their moments of stupidity…hell, I’ve done my share…so I wouldn’t say that, but there are just people is this world that should wear signs stating that they are stupid so that we all know to avoid them at all costs!

    On a much more civilized note…

    I would like to say thank you to all of you who sent us Christmas Cards so far this year…I’m a bit behind, so please forgive me if I don’t get one out to all of you.  Jason and I do appreciate your gesture in taking the time to write and mail the cards out to us…let alone just thinking of us.  

  • Weekend Recap…

    The weekend went pretty well…

    I got some baking done…about 4 batches of cookies or so.  I wasn’t feeling too well…but still functional.  I got the Christmas up…and partially decorated, I’ll finish that tonight.

    I didn’t get to watch much hockey on Friday night…but I did watch my new Pirates of the Caribbean DVD that Jason bought me!  That was nice…and I got my  & !

    We decided to take it easy this year on the outside decorating…sometimes, less is more.  So, we are putting out our lighted reindeer…we have 4 and 2 of those are animated…we’ll put up our red ribbons and bows on the front porch lights that have green light bulbs in them and put the garland out on the gate and around the light post out front…that along with the small lit pine trees on the brick columns that surround the courtyard…should be plenty.  If I get up enough gumption…I’ll put some lights on the trees…if not, then I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

    I love decorating…but since I haven’t felt so well lately, Jason doesn’t want me to overdo it…so I’m trying to listen to him.

    We watched the Broncos/Chiefs game yesterday…and the Falcons/Panthers game.  Those were amazing games!! The Broncos just beat the crap out of the Chiefs…and it was great to see Michael Vick back in action with the Falcons!!  He is definitely one of the greatest quarterbacks ever!!  Very exciting to watch!

    We also got most of our Christmas shopping done …I love online shopping !!  I’m not lazy…I just don’t like huge crowds at stores.

    So…what did you all do this weekend???  Get any more Christmas items checked off your list??